Do You Remember Flipbooks?


I don’t know how you were in middle school and high school, but I was COMPLETELY FOCUSED all of the time. But in the rare instances I wasn’t, the corners of my notebooks made for great flipbook art. I remember making some wicked skateboard and BMX flipbooks in my day.

Ian Applegate has taken the flipbook to the next level, and launched the Flipbook Island! Kickstarter campaign. His girlfriend emailed me to give me the heads up, mainly because Ian uses Rhodia Pads and Sakura Pigma Micron Pens, both of which are some of my favorites.

The Kickstarter campaign has 14 days left and a ways to go to be funded. If you are interested, be sure to head over and check out the great flipbook videos he has posted, and consider donating. I did.

Posted on September 20, 2011 and filed under Kickstarter.