Pilot Super Petit Marker Review

Pilot Super Petit Review.JPG

I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself before plunging in to my very first review. My name is Lisa Needham, and I'm a longtime pen lover and lurker here at The Pen Addict, and I'm thrilled to get the opportunity to tackle some reviews as Brad builds his Nock pen case empire. I write at a few other places on the internet, but I never get to write about something as interesting as pens!

Fair warning: I'm a longtime italic pen user (fountain and marker) because it makes my otherwise jagged handwriting a bit neater, so I approach these non-italic reviews with some trepidation. Also, have you seen Brad's handwriting? This is what I'm up against.

For my inaugural post I'm going to take a chance and look at a non-italic pen. The Pilot Super Petit Marker is an eco-friendly sign pen with a slightly thinner point than a lot of sign pens. A bargain at under $2/pen, it would make a replacement for the ubiquitous PaperMate Flair pens your office probably has by the dozen. Brad reviewed this pen's...cousin? bigger brother? about a month ago when he took a look at the Pentel Fine Point Sign Pen. The Pilot has the same build as the Pentel, as you can see from the photos, but with the thinner tip is probably a better choice for everyday note taking than a thicker, more traditional marker-type sign pen.

I find it a bit hard to hold, to be honest, but that might be because I have relatively small hands and something the size of the Flair or a similar pen is likely to be something I'd reach for first. However, that isn't a design flaw of the pen - I think it is a design flaw of my hands, actually.

Here we go!

(You can read more of Lisa's work at Lawyerist.com.)

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Posted on September 3, 2013 .