The CUBE By Karas Kustoms

Dan Bishop sent me a pre-relase version of The CUBE, the latest Kickstarter collaboration from Karas Kustoms and Mike Dudek, and I am taken aback by how much I like it. I had already backed the project before receiving this from Dan, and while I didn't need to have the product in hand to be happy about backing it, I am ecstatic that I have a second one heading my way.

This is a pen holder I don't want just sitting around the desk. It is so well done and feels so incredible that I want to hold it, play around with it, take it with me in my backpack, all just so I can be around it. I may even ask it to marry me, which I'm sure my wife would not approve of.

I made the point with Dan on this week's podcast that this is not a six-walled hollow center pen holder. This is a solid block of aluminum with 9 holes drilled and filled with Delrin sleeves to keep your pens protected. The CUBE weighs in at 1 lb., 14 oz. An almost two pound block of goodness to sit on your desk and look beautiful.

The Kickstarter project has already met its goal, so you have 20 days to get in on the action and take a CUBE of your own home. And maybe marry it.

My thanks to Dan, Mike, and Karas Kustoms for sending me this CUBE for review.

Posted on November 20, 2014 and filed under Kickstarter, Karas Kustoms.