Posts filed under Featured Sponsor

Uuni 2 - For Pizza Addicts Everywhere (Sponsor)

It seems a bit random for a small company making wood-fired pizza ovens to sponsor a pen blog but hear me out:

I believe that if you’re geeky enough to dive this deep into pens, there might be a few amongst you who thrive for perfection when it comes to pizza.

Here’s the Uuni story in a nutshell: I wanted to make great pizzas but couldn’t afford a traditional wood-fired brick oven. You know, the ones that are like $1000 or more and take up huge amounts of space. So I decided to invent and design a new type of wood burning oven that is small, incredibly fast and, most importantly, affordable.

Here are the specs:

  • Ready to use in 10 minutes
  • Cooks a pizza in 2 minutes or less
  • Reaches temperatures of up to 840°F (450°C)
  • Weights only about 20 lbs or 9 kg

To really get a picture of what delicious foods you can cook with it, check out more at

How can you get one for yourself? There are two ways:

1) Order one on our website and get an instant $20 off by using the code PENADDICT at checkout. Easy right? We’ll send it out the next day.

2) Alternatively, you could try and win one. First to list, in the comments, all of the Field Notes editions shown in the photo above (starting from top left to bottom right) wins. Competitions closes on Boxing Day, Friday, December 26th at Midnight eastern. This contest is open only to residents of the US and UK. Good luck!

Update: Here is the answer key and some notes from Kristian:

Hey Brad,

How you doing? Ok, got this far now, here’s the official list:


Fire Spotter

Cold Horizons

Cold Horizons

Night Sky

Night Sky

America is Beautiful

Drink Local Ales

Drink Local: Lagers

XOXO 2014 (Or standard)

National Crop

Pitch Black

Pitch Black

Country Fair New York

Day Game

Day Game






Including the XOXO is what I feel a little bad about as it’s impossible to tell from a standard so let’s just count that as a standard.

Quite a few thought the Day Game is Balsam Fir. misstcnj got that right but then fell on thinking Night Sky is Raven’s Wing. S/he also got the Dot-graph wrong. Only two participants correctly spotted America is Beautiful.

So, I’m afraid there wasn’t any winners this time :)



Posted on December 22, 2014 and filed under Featured Sponsor.

The Mythgard Institute (Sponsor)

“The story grew in the telling.” So starts The Lord of the Rings, one of the most influential books of the twentieth century. Given that the works of J.R.R Tolkien were created over not one lifetime but two (his son Christopher has devoted many years to deciphering and assembling the unpublished and prolific writings of his father as literary executor of the Tolkien estate), this statement is a gross understatement.

Tolkien hand wrote and annotated most of his writings, and we know that he used a dip pen with an Esterbrook #314 nib. How many of those nibs he must have gone through as he created Middle-earth and its history, who can know? And what of other writers? Did Arthur Conan Doyle indeed write at least some of his Sherlock Holmes stories with a Parker Duofold? Science fiction author Neal Stephenson uses fountain pens to write the first draft of his books.

Want to dig deeper into the people behind the pens? The Mythgard Institute began as a place to study the two-lifetime library of Tolkien works. It has since expanded to offer courses focused on other fantasy authors as well as science fiction. With three tiers of course offerings from free and open to the public to a Masters program in Literature and Languages, Mythgard is the place for considered study of the likes of Neil Gaiman (TWSBI 540 ROC, Lamy 2000, Pilot 823 Amber), Richard Adams (who wrote Watership Down with a fountain pen of unknown variety), and other pen wielders.

This post is sponsored via Syndicate Ads.

Posted on December 15, 2014 and filed under Featured Sponsor.

Big Discounts At Pen Chalet

Do you still need to finish up your holiday shopping? Pen Chalet is the place for new and experienced pen fans to get the best deals online. This week, there are big discounts just for Pen Addict readers AND you can get and additional discount off your order.

Ron at Pen Chalet has created a special landing page just for The Pen Addict. Hit the link, enter your email address to get the discount, and check out all of the great prices Pen Chalet has to offer on popular pens from Lamy, Pelikan, Pilot, and more. The coupon stacks with any discount, and shipping is free in the US on orders over $50, so Add to Cart and finish off your shopping list!

My thanks to Pen Chalet for sponsoring The Pen Addict this week.

Posted on December 8, 2014 and filed under Featured Sponsor.