Posts filed under General


I got a ton of email responses to yesterday's post, and I am in the process of weeding through everything.  Everyone who sent me an email will get a response, but it may be Sunday/Monday before I get through them all.  Thank you to everyone who is interested, and if you are and haven't sent me an email you still have time to do so.

I should be back to regularly scheduled programming with Ink Links on Saturday and a fresh review on Monday.

Posted on September 10, 2010 and filed under General.

The Pen Addict Wants You!

If you couldn't tell by my recent post schedule inconsistency, things have gotten a little busy around the Pen Addict household.  My real life schedule has changed in more ways than one - all good mind you - but that is affecting the quality and quantity of my blog posting.  I am not planning on going anywhere, but am looking for some help.  Here is the deal:

I'd like to add one (possibly two) regular contributors to the site.  My idea of regular right now is one post a week, or 3-4 posts a month.  You would have free reign over the style of posts, and you wouldn't have to mimic anything I do or have done in the past.  This position is non-paying in a cash money sense, but I will provide all of your items for review at no charge.

That's it on a very basic level.  The Pen Addict continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and I think it is time to add to the stable of writers here and get a different view of all things pen and paper.

Thoughts?  Questions?  Interested?  Drop me an email (address is on the sidebar) with the subject line The Pen Addict Wants You!  I certainly don't have anything set in stone, so lets have a conversation and see what might work out.

Posted on September 9, 2010 and filed under General.