Posts filed under General

All Questions Answered

I love you guys, but beach > blog for today.  I'll be back with a new review Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.

Feel free to use the comments section of this post as an "All Questions Answered" thread.  I will respond to each and every question - on any topic you would like - in one big blog post later this week.

Have fun!

Posted on October 4, 2010 and filed under General.

New Pen Addict Layout

I decided to change things up a bit with the design of The Pen Addict.  The changes aren't overly drastic - it's more like a fresh coat of paint.  Most of the sidebar layout is the same, except that my email address is now found under the about page (which is a work in progress), and the monthly archives now have their own page as well.

There may be a few more changes throughout the day, so let me know if you come across anything weird.

Big thanks to Pen Addict reader Luke for the great new banner photo!

Update #1: I moved the Categories under the Archive page as well.  Will anyone miss the category cloud on the front page?  I thought the wall of text was getting a little obnoxious.

Update #2: Categories are now back on the front page.  As much space as it takes up, I think it is an integral part of the site.  It looks like the comments bear that out as well.

Posted on September 23, 2010 and filed under General.

We Have the Facts & We're Voting Yes

Thanks again to everyone who expressed their interest in becoming a Pen Addict contributor.  The turnout was overwhelming, and for that I am very grateful.  At this point, I have chosen two new contributors who I hope to introduce and have posting within the next few weeks.  The decision was not even remotely easy, but I am excited about what is to come.

Stay tuned!

Posted on September 16, 2010 and filed under General.