Posts filed under General

All Questions Answered

I'm off from work today, plus I am a little behind in photographing my latest reviews, so I figured why not open things up for another All Questions Answered post. Fire away in the comments section with any questions you have on pens, paper, music, movies, life - anything you want. Almost no topic is off limits. I did this one other time by taking questions one day then answering them another, but I will reply as quickly as possible today in the comments section of this post.

Have fun with it, and look for a new pen review on Monday!

Posted on February 11, 2011 and filed under General.

All Questions Answered - Answers!

Thanks to everyone who left a comment on the All Questions Answered post.  This was really fun, and I hope to do it again in the future.  Here we go...

1) does this pen write? said...
If you could create the "perfect" pen what would that entail (design, ink, functionality...)?
This is the million dollar question, isn't it?  One Frankenpen I would love to see would go something like this: Lamy AL Star silver aluminum barrel (but in a "normal" diameter) with a black Pilot Acroball grip, and a Uni-Ball Signo DX 0.38mm black gel ink cartridge.  It may not look pretty, but that would be a sweet pen to carry every day.

2) Bryan G. said...
The biggest question is this: how are the Braves going to beat the Giants with Jones and Prado out? Getting lucky on the wild card doesn't mean much in the playoffs.
The Braves are one of the weakest teams in the playoffs with their two All-Star hitters out, but the Giants are no offensive juggernaut either.  It's going to boil down to pitching, and if the Braves can get to Lincecum tonight then I think they will have a chance.

3) Ryan said...
What beach did you go to?
Saint Simons Island, GA.  We go every October with my wife's family and it is a great trip.  We had perfect weather the entire time, and I found a new favorite beer - Fat Tire Amber Ale.

4) Dan said...
Why did Michael Jackson have to die but people like Michael Bolton still walk this planet?
Hair care products.  Jackson showed a clear lack of understanding in his choice of hair care products, while Bolton kept his long flowing locks looking great for decades.  Sure, he may be bald now, but he is alive isn't he?

5) Erica said...
What is your favorite green pen?
Green is traditionally not one of my favorite colors, but the Zebra Sarasa Clip Viridian Green is really nice.

6) OfficeSupplyGeek said...
Why do you insist on always beating me at fantasy baseball? :)
Back-to-back baby!  I have played fantasy baseball for as long as I can remember, dating back to keeping score with a legal pad and the USA Today.  I love studying players and stats and forming opinions on what I think they will do.  I'll spend pretty much all offseason doing that, so look out in 2011!

7) CreepyGroovy said...
How on earth are you able to bypass the sharpness and scratchiness of 0.4mm and smaller pens??? Is it the paper you use? A slower writing style? You just ignore it? WHAT???
A fair question, and one of the reasons why I write this blog.  It boils down to personal preference.  For me, I can live with the scratchiness that the majority of micro tip pens have to get the super sharp and clean lines that I like.  I write very fast, but in a printing style, not a long flowing script style which wouldn't work well with the micro pens.  Paper does play a role too, and the nicer the paper, the smoother they are.

8) JLukeW said...
What fountain pens do you have?
Very few in the non-disposable category.  I have two Lamy Safari's, a Lime Green with a fine nib, and a Charcoal with an extra fine nib which is my favorite.  I keep threatening to get more, but since I don't use them on a daily basis I have a hard time justifying the purcahse.  I did just get a new Lamy though, so we will see how that goes after the review.

9) PointSpecial said...
After being a fan of pens for a while, I discovered your site (and many others!) devoted completely to pens and paper and the like!

I'm considering getting my first fountain pen... what do you suggest as a good starter pen for someone who doesn't necessarily want to invest a ton of money (at least at the start)?
I own two Lamy Safari's for a reason: they are widely considered as one of the top choices for entry level fountain pens.  The are very well made, cost effective (~$25), and great looking.  I'm sure there are other decent options, but I don't think you can go wrong with a Safari.

10) Tony said...
Why did Sakura drop the Gelly Roll Gelato? I have a 0.4mm Gelato and have not found another <=0.4mm gel pen to match its smoothness (and I've tried the G2 0.38, Signo RT 0.38, Sarasa 0.4, and Hi-Tec-C in 0.25mm and 0.28mm).
I'm not sure about the Gelly Roll Gelato - I have never used one.  Have you tried the Uni-Ball Signo DX 0.38mm?  It is smoother than the others you list in my opinion.

11) M Raymond Torres said...
I have a very small hand and prefer a fountain pen for its pencil-like drag on the paper. Any suggestions for the perfect pen?
I haven't used one myself, but like Chris mentioned in the original thread, the Sailor Recruit might be an option.  In fact, I may add it to my own shopping list.

12) Joshua Weinberg said...
I recently found your site an am loving it. Thanks.

I am down to my last few dozen of my favorite pen: Pentel Hybrid Gel Roller Black K105A. I can no longer find any stock anywhere online so time to look for a replacement.

I like:
- How smoothly it writes
- That it is rather thin
- That it has a grip but not a gel grip, a very subtle molded in hard plastic grip.

Can you reccomend a replacement or a few candidates?
How about the Pilot Choose?   It has a long, smooth, standard width barrel, writes very nicely, and comes in a wide variety of colors.  This could actually evolve into a really long answer, so feel free to email me and we can figure something out.

13) Andrea S. said...
I love colors, myself: bold, jewel colors especially. I've been looking for pens and fountain pen inks that are beautiful colors, but most of them are boring and/or ugly.

Eg, the purple inks I find for my fountain pen are dark eggplants. Not very interesting. No orchids or plums. And red pens are always so... red. No ruby reds or garnets or bright fire engine reds. And don't even get me started on blue. It's always the same GD blue. Greens are either dark forest (ie conservative) or neon (ew.)

Where can I find some really beautiful colors? And why don't Donatella Versace and Chanel release ink lines?
This one is waaay out of my wheelhouse.  I have yet to buy a single bottle of fountain pen ink, but I know plenty of readers have tons of experience with this.  Feel free to post some ideas in the comments section.

14) Ron said...
What color combinations do you use with you hi-tec-c coletos?
Great question Ron, because I am always fidgeting with this.  I run two three cartridge setups that are my favorite.  One has blue black, light blue, and lime green, and the other has black, purple, and golden yellow.  The four cartridge Coleto may be my favorite, but I can't come up with a four color combo that I love.  I've started with blue black and red, but I am having a tough time with the last two.

Posted on October 7, 2010 and filed under General.