Posts filed under General



I wasn't sure if the resurrection of my Instagram account was going to stick or not, but I am having more fun than I imagined. If you need your Pen Addict fix between blog posts and podcasts be sure to check me out @penaddict.

Posted on July 12, 2013 and filed under General.

How To Use

There have been a lot of moving parts on the blog over the past few months so I thought a quick post was in order to catch you up on all of the details.

RSS Feed - This is the biggest change. If you are still using the old Feedburner feed it is no longer redirecting and you are not seeing new content. Please update your feed to:

Also, I do not truncate the RSS feed or blog posts, and never will. Ease of use for the reader is way more important to me than another click.

Podcast - The move to 5by5 is complete. If you subscribe in a pod catcher your feed should have updated automatically but you may want to double-check. If you use iTunes please rate and review us!

Social - Find me on Twitter @dowdyism, @dowdy, and Instagram @penaddict. That is where I am most active. Watch the buttons on the sidebar as I add new services (there is no ADN button currently).

Contact - There is a Contact link at the top of the page. Fill out the form and I get sent an email. I answer all of my emails, but it may take me up to a week. If you need a quicker response the best way is to reach me on one of the social networks listed above.

Commenting - Comments are always open on each post. I read them all and try to respond when I can. If there is a question that you absolutely must have answered your best bet is to try one of the methods above.

Search - Wondering if I have reviewed a pen already? Click on the Search box over there to your right and type away.

Advertising - I accept advertising on but I try to keep it minimal and unobtrusive. I am prone to trying new things and if I do you can count on being notified publicly and transparently.

Thank you for your continued support! If there are any additional questions please let me know.

Posted on May 19, 2013 and filed under General.

Join Me On - 100 Free Invites

I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience on since joining in November of last year. The conversations are great (256 characters!), the community is fun, and the developers are active in improving the site every day.

The team at has provided 100 free invites for readers of The Pen Addict. Click here to sign up and join the conversation.

You will automatically follow me @dowdy upon creating your account. Hopefully you will feel compelled to continue to do so but no worries if you don't. I also started a blog post only feed @penaddict.

See you there!

Posted on May 17, 2013 and filed under General.