Posts filed under General

One year later…

(Kimberly (she/her) took the express train down the fountain pen/stationery rabbit hole and doesn't want to be rescued. She can be found on Instagram @allthehobbies because there really are many, many hobbies!.)

I can’t believe that it’s been one year that I’ve been writing for The Pen Addict! I still remember when Brad asked me last year if I would be interested in writing for the blog. I also remember the shock, the excitement, the “Wait, what? Say that again?” moments of disbelief, followed by a LOT of doubt. Why me? I’m still a newbie! There are so many other great bloggers/writers/fountain pen people out there! What if I can’t write as well as them? What if readers don’t like my content? What if I do this for a few weeks and realize I can’t hack it or don’t like it? What if, and this was a big one, it makes me like pens less?

Thankfully, Brad told me that I wasn’t signing a contract for a set amount of articles or time period, which was a huge sigh of relief. If I was really bad, or if I didn’t enjoy it or if my love of fountain pens started to wane because of it, I could call it quits and that’s that. It definitely lifted a huge cloud that was in the way of doing this. I certainly didn’t want to quit after a few weeks but felt a lot better knowing that it was an option if things didn’t work out. After a year of doing this, I thought I’d take a moment to reflect and share some of my discoveries from this journey.

Imposter Syndrome is a thing

For starters, imposter syndrome is real and it can really get in the way of people starting new things, pushing themselves or even getting regular things done. Where you don’t feel like you’re qualified to do something, so you feel like an imposter, a poser, a phony. In this case, I felt like I was a newbie (heck, I still feel this way) and that there were others more deserving of this role. It also didn’t help that I’m also not a writer. Sure, I can be verbose in some of my IG posts, but that’s very different than writing an article! And every week, no less! Could I do it? Apparently, the answer is yes, but even after a year of writing for TPA, I still have a difficult time calling myself a writer/blogger/whatever. I’m still a fountain pen-crazed hobbyist who happens to write an article every week. While the imposter syndrome isn’t as strong as it was last year, it hasn’t disappeared entirely; I just try not to let it get the best of me.

So many words!

I remember asking Brad how long a typical article is and he said about 400-500 words (for context, I’ve already written 450+ at this point). I had no idea how long that really is (to this day, I still turn on word count, lol). Turns out, I can spew lots of words, especially when I’m talking about my favorite subject! So much so that I had to ask Brad if I was writing too many words; turns out that 400-500 is a good guideline for standard pens/pencils but not for fountain pens. There are a lot more variables with fountain pens, such as filling systems, nibs, materials, flow, writing experience, even packaging. Phew! I mean, I’m still verbose but at least some part of it is because fountain pens are more complicated. One of my longest articles is over 1700 words - can you guess which one it is?

I write like I speak

I don’t know if it’s proper to do so, but I like to write as though I’m having a conversation with you. A one-sided conversation, perhaps, but I want people to feel like this is what I’d be saying if I was sitting with you and talking about a pen or ink or paper. It’s also why I include “lol”, “haha” and also why there are so many parentheticals in my articles (I have a really hard time NOT doing this. See?!?) But at least I don’t swear as much when I write. ;-)


The Bossman gives his team the freedom to write about whatever topic they choose. It could be anything from a pen or ink review, pen show recap, or what stationery items they decide to bring with them on vacation. I really appreciate not having to do a specific topic on a given schedule because I can write about whatever and whenever. For me though, it means I have to be in the mood for a given topic. For example, I recently scrapped the idea of writing a pen/ink review because I was in such a sad and helpless mood that I had to write about how I use fountain pens to find some semblance of peace. While not always that heavy, sometimes, I just want to play with ink, or maybe I’ve been writing with a review pen for a few weeks and feel that “it’s time” to write the review. I thought that having a list of topics would make this easy, but I was surprised to discover how often the topic picks itself.

Pictures paint a thousand words but I hate painting, lol

Pictures are really important, but boy, I’ve discovered it is one of my least favorite parts about writing for TPA. But for you all, I want to make sure it’s as accurate as possible, that lighting is good, not a lot of shadows, etc. Aside from the actual picture taking, there’s uploading the pictures, renaming them to make it easier for the Bossman to figure out what is what and then figuring out which pictures work best in which part of the article. It’s not my favorite part, but it is a necessary part of all this. After all, this writing gig can’t be glamorous all the time, right?

Kaweco Perkeo vs Ferris Wheel Press

This took considerably more effort than it looks!

Posting is for monsters

Just kidding! You may recall that I don’t post my pens, but I do it for you because I know some of you are pen posters! And everytime I post my pens to do a comparison photo, I cringe ever so slightly and then feel better knowing that maybe someone will find the posting picture useful. Then I unpost the pen and all is right again :-)

Pen posting

I only do this for you!

Favorite product that I’ve reviewed?

It is difficult to pick a favorite out of the products I’ve reviewed. Partly because I owned many of the items I reviewed but also because there were a lot of good products to play with! I absolutely fell in love with the Waldmann Tango Imagination that I had to ask the Bossman if there was a way for me to buy it!

Waldmann Tango

Yes, this precious is mine, all mine!

Most difficult article to write?

The 2022 LA Pen Show Recap was probably the most difficult to write from an emotional standpoint. It requires a lot of context to explain why it is such a bizarrely run show. It got me frustrated as I wrote it and made me relive an experience that just doesn’t make any sense. From a content perspective, the most difficult article to write was the one I listed above, the Franklin-Christoph models article was the culmination of a lot of hours, text, and pictures. It was an absolute blast to make, one that I’m particularly proud of and also one where I’d never do anything like this again, lol.

Franklin-Christoph Pens

This one was a doozy but worth it!

The best ideas come from you!

Well, not just you, the blog reader or podcast listener but from pen enthusiasts on IG, FB, Pen Addict Slack, etc. Questions that get asked a lot are often great ideas for blog topics, like how to travel with fountain pens, tips for going to a pen show, etc - those are all questions that come from folks like you. So, keep those questions coming, even if you feel like it’s been asked before, maybe it’ll make it into an article someday!

Still digging this rabbit hole

I cannot tell you how happy and relieved I am that doing reviews and writing for the past year has not diminished my love for fountain pens and all the related stationery madness. I was really worried about this turning my hobby into a job and thankfully, I am still as enamored with it all as I have ever been.

Pen people are (still) the best people

From the online communities to the folks at pen meetups and pen shows, I have known that pen people are the best people. And writing for TPA this past year has proven that again. From the moment the Bossman announced it on Twitch to my first article and beyond, people have reached out to me and have been so kind and encouraging. Y’all have helped me feel welcome, supported, encouraged and grateful, and for that, I cannot thank you enough!

Thank you for indulging me in sharing my journey during this past year. And thank you, Brad, for taking a chance on me and believing in me. It’s been quite a wonderful ride and I look forward to what the next year has in store!

Thank you

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!!!

(P.S. - for those of you keeping count, this is over 1600 words ;-))

Posted on August 5, 2022 and filed under General.

All I Want For Christmas

Merry Christmas

(Kimberly (she/her) took the express train down the fountain pen/stationery rabbit hole and doesn't want to be rescued. She can be found on Instagram @allthehobbies because there really are many, many hobbies!.)

All I Want for Christmas is my two front teeth (check), yoooouuuuuuu (a la Mariah Carey, check), and ….? They are in no particular order, though it’ll be obvious which ones are more important:

  • A respite from FOMO - Maybe it’s just me but there continues to be a never-ending stream of new products coming out. Whether it’s new pens, inks, paper, washi tape, rubber stamps, you name it, chances are I want it. And I have to ask myself “do I really LOVE those things or am I getting caught up in FOMO (fear of missing out)?” This is especially difficult for those limited editions that are only sold in stores or in certain countries, etc. Buy now, regret & sell later! Nope, not gonna do it … at least I’m going to try to resist.
  • Succumbing to FOMO for the right things - I know, I just said no more FOMO, but we’ve all been there before. We’re trying to be good, on a self-imposed spending ban, already blew the budget and then we’re staring at something that hits all our buttons. Sometimes, you just gotta pull the trigger because you KNOW you’re going to love it and it’ll drive you nuts when you’re unable to get one down the road.
  • New products and not just new colors - It’s easy for companies to stick with the tried-and-true and produce new colors of the same product (some of my favorites fall into this bucket (TWSBI Eco/580, Leonardo, Pelikan, etc.), but we want to see new products too. And not just at increasingly higher price points either! The TWSBI Swipe that came out earlier this year is a great example. Ditto the piston-filling Leonardo Momento Magico. Keep them coming!
  • More time to swatch my inks - Not gonna lie, swatching inks isn’t my absolute favorite thing to do. It’s not because it’s difficult or anything; I just always want to do something else instead. But having less than 60% of my inks swatched means I might be missing out on using an awesome ink just because I don’t know what color it is or buying something that ends up being way too similar. adding to my “to be swatched” pile. And buying more ink when I don’t have all my inks swatches just makes me feel guilty. More swatching = less guilt AND a growing catalog of ink swatches = win!
  • Courage to try something new, like journaling - Of all the bajillion projects that I use fountain pens for, journaling isn’t one of them. I don’t mean bullet journaling, but rather jotting down thoughts, happenings, etc. I’m intimidated by the gorgeous journaling spreads on Instagram and I know they never have to see the light of day, but I’m still afraid that they’ll look “boring”, “ugly” and “lame”. Hoping to find some courage and creativity that’ll push me past that fear to try something new.
  • Continued enjoyment of this rabbit hole - I know that there are times when picking up pen and paper is the last thing I want or have time to do, but every time I do, I never regret it. Even “bad” ink/pen pairings or shaky handwriting practice leaves me in a better mood than when I started. And when Brad asked me about writing for TPA, I was worried that having a “pen job” would make me like my pens less and knock on wood, that hasn’t happened yet and I hope it never does.
  • Rediscovering currently owned but not currently used items - In a hobby where it’s easy to get caught up with the latest and greatest, it’s equally easy to forget all about the other items you already have. Maybe it’s your first pens (I still use a Metro nearly every day) or some ink samples that you remembered enjoyed using but never bought a bottle of. Or maybe it’s the stack of pocket notebooks that sit there collecting dust when it can be repurposed - they make great notebooks for workouts, gas/mileage logs, even using as scratch paper. The point is that I know I have a lot of stuff that I haven’t used for whatever reasons and I really should because they’re probably pretty awesome.
  • Overcoming the anxiety around items that aren’t currently used and giving them a new home - Maybe you’ve “outgrown” an item or maybe it never “sparked joy” from the get-go, but I know there are things in my stash that I have no interest in using but haven’t gotten rid of. One reason it is difficult for me to let things go is that I’m often thinking “but I spent $$ on it, I can’t just give it away or lose lots of money on it.” But having it sit there unused and taking up space doesn’t do me any good either. So whether it’s giving things away or selling them, I’m hoping I can find the determination and discipline to go through my unused items.
  • Stick-to-it-iveness for seeing my projects through to the finish - This one is a toughie! I have the attention span of a gnat and it makes it difficult to…..SQUIRREL!….what was I saying? Yeah, it’s super easy for me to come up with new projects and ideas for using my pens and papers but much harder for me to finish said projects. I may still add some new projects in the new year but I will also keep plugging away at the current ones. Wish me luck!
  • Being a part of a community - I am so grateful to be a part of the pen community whether it is on Facebook, Instagram, Pen Addict Slack, SF Pen Posse, pen club zooms, pen shows, etc. These communities were a godsend for me during the past 18+ months and many of these folks are more like family than friends. I wish for you all that you have a community, online or otherwise, where you can geek out about pens and no one looks at you funny :-).
  • Health and wellness - Now, more than ever, I wish us all good health and wellness, including mental health. Get vaccinated/boostered, mask up, and take care of yourself. Reach out if you’re struggling, get help from friends, family, professionals. Take that hike, pamper yourself, meditate, stretch, hydrate, etc. I’m going to work on my push-ups, running pace/distance, doing a little more yoga/stretching, hydrating more and more healthy eating.
  • Gratitude - As someone who naturally finds flaws, bugs, errors, mistakes (my career was in Software Quality Assurance), it’s harder for me to notice things that are going well. I want to work on having a gratitude mindset and finding things to be thankful for. It may be small, like finding out that there’s still hot coffee in the pot when you wake up, or bigger, like getting through a surgery, having a new baby or buying your first house. Whatever it is, I hope we all find things to be grateful for (take a look at this gratitude article if you need ideas).

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and I wish everyone a happy holiday season and wonderful 2022. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay inky!

Posted on December 24, 2021 and filed under General.

So Much to be Grateful For

(Kimberly (she/her) took the express train down the fountain pen/stationery rabbit hole and doesn't want to be rescued. She can be found on Instagram @allthehobbies because there really are many, many hobbies!.)

Knowing that this post is going up on Black Friday meant that I could devote an entire article to a bunch of places that are vying for your post-turkey dollars. Instead, I decided to reflect on and share some of the little (and not so little) things that I’m grateful for this season, and really all year long. These aren’t in any particular order because it’s kind of impossible to rank them so here goes:

Pen Stores - Whether brick and mortar or online only, there are so many wonderful pen stores all around the world that we can shop from. It used to be much harder to buy from other countries and even with the pandemic, many shops still ship worldwide, making it easier than ever to get things that may not be offered in your country.

Ink Miser - Do you know how hard it is to get the last little bit of an ink sample from a vial? Especially when the ink level is below where the nib can get any ink and where the converter is likely to get dropped into the vial? I love that this little Ink Miser makes it easier for me to get the most out of ink samples. And even if there’s plenty of ink in the vial, I put the vial in the Ink Miser, which in turns goes into a holder made from my son’s LEGO pieces (sssh, don’t tell him) and it prevents me from knocking it over even though it’s pretty stable on its own.

Ink Miser with a couple ml of Van Dieman’s Hastings Cave (a really fun shimmer ink).

A sample vial in my Ink Miser inside my LEGO holder.

Fountain Pen Companion - I already waxed poetic (or not so poetic) about how much I love FPC but it really deserves another mention because I use it pretty much every day and often, multiple times a day. Tracking my pen/ink usage as well as my inventory gives this inkophile and pen addict a little more sanity.

Col-O-Ring ink swatch cards - You know what else saves my sanity? Having swatch cards for my inks. II started swatching my inks on these Col-O-Ring Ink Testing Cards shortly after getting my first ink samples 4+ years ago and umpteen rings later, I’m still not done. They’ve held up great (though I did upgrade all my rings to 2” ones so I can put 200 cards per ring) and are super useful at pen meetups and pen shows, and yes, also at my desk, while I figure out what the perfect matchy match ink is going to be.

I make two swatches for each color so I can sort them by brand (which makes them easy to find) and by color (which is great for matching inks to pens).

The top ones are sorted by brand and the bottom are sorted by color. I told you I have a lot of these! Ana, I’m going to need to place another order soon!

I love looking at all these different colors!

Instagram - I know it can be a time sink and who can figure out their algorithm, but I love scrolling through my IG feed, seeing people’s pens/inks/stationery and how they use them. Sometimes I get inspired by posts to do something similar, other times, I just marvel at people’s creativity, humor, handwriting, photography, or collections. The IG pen community has also been very encouraging, helpful and supportive regardless of what pens you write with or how much they cost. I am so grateful to have pen friends scattered all over the world that I hope to meet some day.

Scientists/Medical Professionals/Vaccines/Boosters - Without them, things would be so much worse and it would be longer before I got to see pen friends again. Because of all their efforts, meetups and pen shows are happening again. If you haven’t yet gotten vaccinated/boosted, please do so we can all get this pandemic behind us. And if you have, thank you! ❤️

Pen Shows - I was so lucky to find out that the SF Pen Show was happening just a couple months after I got my first fountain pen. Little did I know that I would get the opportunity to go to more shows after that and even get to work behind the table too. But it’s the pen shows after dark, where folks are gathered around playing with pens, hanging out with pen friends and just enjoying each other’s company, that really make me love pen shows. And being able to go to 3 shows this year after the last 18+ months and seeing my pen friends was really special and truly lifted my spirits.

Zoom - Ok, I know what you’re thinking. Zoom (and others) are the worst and we’re all tired of Zoom meetings. But, they’ve really been a saving grace during this pandemic. I was able to join and meet folks from pen groups in DC, Indiana, Missouri, Colorado, Southern California and yes, even my own local pen posse. Being able to connect with pen people and see their faces and hear their voices was something I really needed. So, while I’d much rather see people in person, I’m so glad this technology exists to keep us connected.

Pilot Metropolitan/Lamy Safari/Platinum Preppy - I will forever be grateful that these were my first fountain pens (yes, they all arrived on the same day) because they were all wonderful pens that I enjoyed from day one and still often have at least one inked up. If I didn’t have such good experiences with them, I might not have fallen down the rabbit hole and only my wallet would be happier for that.

I still use a Metro nearly every day and there is always a Preppy (or Plaisir) inked up and often a Safari too (even though I’m on Team #AlStarAlways).

Ink Samples - I am so glad ink samples are a thing because while I do have a stupid number of bottles, it would be even stupider if ink samples didn’t exist and I had to buy full bottles. I love having samples to try new inks and also making samples for friends too.

Rock Your Handwriting - I had discovered fountain pens after joining a Facebook group called Rock Your Handwriting, where people posted pictures of their handwritten responses to daily prompts. I saw these pretty pens and inks and promptly spent the next two nights reading everything I could and starting my first (of many) order for fountain pens. I probably spent the next two years following the RYH prompts and posting them on Instagram and Facebook. If it wasn’t for RYH, I don’t know if I would have ever discovered FPs and by extension, everything else on this list.

Rock Your Handwriting, Day 1

Yes, your handwriting can change with lots of regular practice! And I have 3 years of doing RYH prompts to thank for that!

Bullet Journaling - Wait a second, what does this have to with pens? Prior to 2017, I had been on a quest to find a planner that had a layout I liked and stumbled upon bullet journaling, which led to a random post about improving your handwriting and as you just read, the rest is history. And yes, I still bullet journal on a regular basis and am extremely unproductive whenever I’ve fallen off the wagon.

Good paper - I am so thankful that there is a plethora of good stationery that is fountain pen-friendly! From Tomoe River to Midori, to Cosmo Air Light, Black n Red/Optik paper, Clairefontaine, Ayush Paper and more, there’s just so much variety out there that one can take advantage of.

The beginnings of a notebook fort (don’t worry, there were many more notebooks after I unpacked more boxes, lol).

Pen Friends - I’ve mentioned them several times throughout this post but this hobby wouldn’t be the same without pen friends. Whether real-life friends or online friends from another state or halfway around the world, I couldn’t imagine feeling the same sense of community without them. Thank you for sharing my excitement of pens/inks/all things stationery, being helpful and supportive, sharing of your knowledge and of yourself in your posts and being a part of this community.

Brad - Without him, I wouldn’t be writing for the Pen Addict, nor would I have ever discovered the Pen Addict Slack and by extension, many of the pen friends I call family. Ok, this one might be one of the bigger things that I’m grateful for. ;-)

Thanks for taking a chance on me, Bossman. Can’t wait to see you at a pen show soon and give you a proper hug to thank you! <3

There’s so much more to be thankful for, not just during this time of year, but all year long when I look around at this amazing community and how lucky I am to have found my way into this rabbit hole. Thank you for being there with me.

(Disclaimer: All products pictured were purchased by my own funds. No compensation was given for including product links or pictures.)

Posted on November 26, 2021 and filed under General.