Posts filed under Giveaways

Lamy Safari Savannah Green and Terra Red Fountain Pen Giveaway

Lamy Safari Savannah Green and Terra Red Fountain Pen Giveaway

The silence from #TeamALStar is deafening this year, and for good reason: The 2021 Lamy Safari Special Edition is the best release in years. It’s hard to compete with nostalgia, especially when pulled off this flawlessly.

I bought one of each - Savannah Green and Terra Red - the minute they went up for pre-order at Fontoplumo earlier this year, and I included one of each in that order for you, too. I’m giving away both pens - each with a Fine nib - to two winners of this giveaway. Enter for one, enter for both, state your fealty for #TeamSafari, and have fun. Good luck!

Posted on April 27, 2021 and filed under Giveaways, Lamy.