Posts filed under Giveaways

Kaweco DIY Sport Fountain Pen Giveaway

Kaweco DIY Sport

This Summer, Kimberly attended the DIY Kaweco Event at Flax Pen to Paper to assemble the Kaweco Sport that was part of the event. I was also able to get her to assemble a second one for me to give away here on the blog, and that’s what I am doing today. One person will win this Berry Sport DIY Fountain Pen with a Medium Steel nib. Read the rules below and enter away!

Kaweco DIY Sport Fountain Pen Giveaway

Posted on September 17, 2024 and filed under Giveaways.

Fountain Pen Friendly Paper Collection A5 Pad Giveaway Winner

If you are a fountain pen and ink user you have certainly seen the various collections that Yamamoto Paper put together for users to test out a wide variety of paper before committing to a full notebook of the good stuff (here is an earlier review from Susan if you aren’t familiar.)

These pads always came in the large A4 format, and now Yamamoto Paper is mixing in a more conveniently-sized A5 paper pack to try. Taizo, the owner of Yamamoto Paper, handed me this pad at Stationery Fest, and while they haven’t hit the market yet, they should be coming soon. (Keep an eye on Vanness Pens Yamamoto Paper page!)

This pad contains 10 sheets of 5 different fountain pen friendly papers:

— Thin Paper by Kokuyo

— Sanzen Tomoe River S

— Champion Copy

— Typewriter Paper

— Smooth Onion Skin

This is a great playground for pen and ink users, and I have one of these pads to give away this week. The winner is:

Congrats Garry! I’ve sent you an email to collect your shipping address.

Posted on September 14, 2024 and filed under Giveaways.

Fountain Pen Friendly Paper Collection A5 Pad Giveaway

If you are a fountain pen and ink user you have certainly seen the various collections that Yamamoto Paper put together for users to test out a wide variety of paper before committing to a full notebook of the good stuff (here is an earlier review from Susan if you aren’t familiar.)

These pads always came in the large A4 format, and now Yamamoto Paper is mixing in a more conveniently-sized A5 paper pack to try. Taizo, the owner of Yamamoto Paper, handed me this pad at Stationery Fest, and while they haven’t hit the market yet, they should be coming soon. (Keep an eye on Vanness Pens Yamamoto Paper page!)

This pad contains 10 sheets of 5 different fountain pen friendly papers:

— Thin Paper by Kokuyo

— Sanzen Tomoe River S

— Champion Copy

— Typewriter Paper

— Smooth Onion Skin

This is a great playground for pen and ink users, and I have one of these pads to give away this week. Read the rules below and enter away!

Posted on September 10, 2024 and filed under Yamamoto, Giveaways.