Posts filed under Members

Pen Addict Membership Update

Things have been going well with Pen Addict Memberships so far. Granted, I don’t have a baseline to make a perfect comparison, but I have been happy, and more importantly (as judged by my inbox) members have been happy.

Refill, the Pen Addict members newsletter, hit Issue #5 last week and I think it was the best yet. I was also joined by Dr. Jonathan Deans from Pen Economics in Issue #4 for the launch of “Dowdy And The Doctor”, a monthly mini-podcast (around 15 minutes) where we tackle interesting pen topics with an economic slant.

As a member, you get access to all of the back issues as well as all future newsletters. I’m trying something different with Issue #6, making a Friday travel diary as I head out to the Los Angeles Pen Show. I think I have the format set, but I guess we will all find out together on Saturday!

If you are considering becoming a Pen Addict member and supporting this site, you can find all the details, including a sample newsletter, on the Membership Page.

Thank you to everyone who has joined so far. It is greatly appreciated!

Posted on February 9, 2016 and filed under Members.

View A Sample Issue Of Refill, The Pen Addict Members Newsletter

Still deciding on whether to become a member of The Pen Addict? Refill, the members-only newsletter, is one of the core benefits members receive. Each Saturday, I publish my thoughts, commentary, links, Q&A, and more to all of the members. I feel like I'm getting better with each issue while learning what works for myself and for the members. The feedback has been great so far, and hugely helpful!

To see what Refill is all about, click here to read Issue #3. If you like what you see and want to help support this site, head over to the Membership page and see what I have to offer.


Posted on January 24, 2016 and filed under Members.

Introducing Pen Addict Memberships

I'm not sure I have ever been more excited to hit publish on a blog post in my life.

When I started writing The Pen Addict over eight years ago I had no idea what I was doing. Some will argue I still don’t, but what I have learned over this time is that I love writing this site. I love the readers and the community. I love helping people get started down the slippery slope of buying good stationery.

I love that fact that doing something I love can be my job. And to do this, I am asking for your help.

The big ask is always the hard part, and adding a membership option to the site (more on this in a second) is not something I take lightly. Every day, we are presented with a choice on how to spend our hard earned dollars. Asking readers to part with a few of those dollars a month is a big deal. My goal is to provide members with great added benefits and to make the choice to support The Pen Addict an easy decision.

Before I get into the membership details, let me answer the biggest question in your head right now. What happens to the current site? What if I can’t or don’t want to pay for a membership? Absolutely nothing is changing with the way The Pen Addict is currently written and presented. All content published here has, and will remain free and available to anyone in any way they would like to consume it. There is no paywall, no change to RSS, no private section, no member logins, no nothing. If anything, there will be even MORE of the content you have come to love and expect here. I’ll have more time to publish more content and that benefits everybody.

What members will receive is additional content that wouldn’t normally appear on the site as it is currently constructed. This will be in the form of a weekly newsletter that will contain more of my personal views on the stationery world, some editorial content that I would like to publish, on-topic links and commentary from around the internet, member only giveaways, Q & A, and much, much more. It will also not contain any advertising or affiliate links. I plan on eventually integrating audio, video, and interviews into the membership content as well. The newsletter will hit your inbox every Saturday morning to get your weekend started off right.

And as they say on TV: That’s not all! I’m adding a store to The Pen Addict where you will be able to purchase various items throughout the year. Starting with T-Shirts in January, the store is open to everyone, but members will receive additional discounts on all items available (discounts will vary depending on the item). I have some neat things planned as we get further down the line.

Pen Addict Memberships run $5 per month, or $4 per month if you choose to pay for 12 months in advance. All memberships are run through Memberful, which uses Stripe for secure payment.

Click here to become a member of The Pen Addict.

My decision to do this did not come lightly. I quit my day job - a job I have held for the majority of the past 15 years - because I believe in this site, I believe in the readers, and I want to continue spreading the stationery word. It would be an honor if you would consider supporting me and The Pen Addict as I take this on full time. Along with Nock Co., I am all in on analog and am comitting myself to this world and to you.

Posted on January 5, 2016 and filed under Members.