Posts filed under Members

Pen Show Season Begins Now. Are You A Pen Addict Member Yet?

Pen people = Best people

The most popular issues of Refill, The Pen Addict members newsletter, are the recaps from the pen shows I attend. I’ll be visiting the Philadelphia Pen Show this weekend for the first time, and will be recapping all of the action for members, so now is the perfect time to start up, or renew, a Pen Addict membership.

What do you get with your membership? Check out all of the details here, including a sample issue. I’ll be attending at least five pen shows in 2020, if not more, and have a ton of great products in the works that members will get an early look at, among all of the other great content.

Thanks for taking a look, and please let me know if you have any questions!

Posted on January 15, 2020 and filed under Members.

Pen Addict Memberships, now with more PayPal!

Pen Addict Memberships are my primary source of income at The Pen Addict, allowing me to keep advertising and affiliate links to a minimum, while also being able to do this for a living. With almost four years of membership under my belt, I have been very happy with the balance it provides for myself, and for readers of the site.

The one thing I’ve always wished and hoped for from Memberful, my membership platform, is the ability for members to use PayPal as a payment source, in addition to credit cards. Well, you still can’t, which is a bummer, but at least I now have an option for those interested in using PayPal.

Memberful launched coupons earlier this year, allowing me to send a code you can apply to your membership. With that in place, I can now invoice you via PayPal, and you can apply the code to a new, or existing Pen Addict membership.

Yes, this requires a few extra steps as a work around, but until PayPal is added, if ever, this is the best option I have.

So, are you interested in using PayPal for a Pen Addict Membership? Great! Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Email me at with the subject “PA PayPal Membership”.
  2. Let me know which email address to send the PayPal invoice to. The only option I am offering at this time is the $48 Annual Membership. Invoicing for the monthly membership would require far too much maintenance.
  3. Once the invoice has been paid, I will forward over a code you can apply at for a 12-month membership.
  4. Existing members can extend their current membership in the same manner if they wish to change their payment option. Just follow the steps above.

What do you get with a Pen Addict Membership? I’m so glad you asked! Just click on the Members link for all of the details, including a sample issue of Refill, the weekly newsletter I produce.

Any questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out. I greatly appreciate all of your support!

Posted on December 2, 2019 and filed under Members.

Need to add to your Summer Reading list? How about Refill, the Pen Addict members newsletter!

It seems that every summer we all search for the perfect reading material for our vacations, or to pair with that weekend cup of coffee. Refill, the Pen Addict members newsletter, can help you in that search!

Each weekend, I publish a 500-1000 word essay or review, often on the hot topic of the week, the state of the industry, building a business, or any number of related topics. Additionally, I link to 10-15 articles I find interesting and add my own commentary to each - Ink Links on steroids, if you will.

But wait, that’s not all! I mix in personal notes regularly, including things I’m reading or listening to, recap the previous week at The Pen Addict, do a big monthly member giveaway, have a quarterly charity donation, write up pen show trip reports, sneak preview upcoming Pen Addict goods, offer Pen Addict shop discounts, and plenty more. This is also an ad-free space - no sponsors or affiliate links in any issue of Refill.

And let me be perfectly clear here: This is my job, and Refill is part of how I make a living. Your support means the world to me, and I never take it for granted. I work hard to give you a great bang for the buck, and have fun doing it. I think you will have fun being a part of it too.

For $5 a month, or $48/year, you can join over 500 current Pen Addict members, get something awesome in your inbox each week, and support me and this site directly.

Hit this link to find out more, check out a sample issue, and subscribe. You get access to the full archive as well, with 128 published issues to catch up on!

And thank you, once again, for allowing me to do this for a living. Y’all are truly the best community on the planet.

Posted on June 18, 2018 and filed under Members.