Posts filed under Misfill

Misfill, 120 Col-o-dex Cards Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

120 Col-o-dex Cards (Olive Octopus)

Unpacking the San Francisco Pen Show: A Deeper Dive into What I Brought Home (The Gentleman Stationer)

30 Days, 30 Inks: Day 1 (Cheryl Lindo Jones)

Visconti Opera Master Essence (Figboot on Pens)

Cult Pens Tiverton Rust (Inkcredible Colours)

Travelling with ink: Birmingham, August 2023. (Fountain pen blog)

700 Years of Persian Manuscripts Now Digitized & Free Online (Open Culture)

Lars Iyer’s playlist for his novel My Weil (Largehearted Boy)

Pen Porn: Dotted Sea Urchin (Rachel's Reflections)

Otto Hutt Design 08 Fountain Pen Review (Blake's Broadcast)

What’s What 8/27-9/2 (Line Variation)

Matt Roussel Blends Woodblock Printing and Painting Into Beguiling Portraits (Colossal)

A.W. Faber-Castell Vintage Pencil Tin (Writing at Large)

New city, new local pen shops (mnmlscholar)

Using a Nigerian Secret Writing System to Expose Social Injustices (Hyperallergic)

Inspired by dreams, Anna Chandler's typography evokes a sense of mysticism (It’s Nice That)

Metra ticket gallery updates (C82: Works of Nicholas Rougeux)

Want to catch the rest, plus extra articles, reviews, commentary, discounts, and more? Try out a Pen Addict Membership for only $5 per month!

Posted on September 3, 2023 and filed under Misfill.

Misfill, Lucky Catch Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

My “Lucky Catches” (Rachel's Reflections)

A New USPS Collection Enlarges the World's Tiniest Lifeforms to the Size of a Postage Stamp (Colossal)

Carlos Miranda on how an engineering background made him the illustrator he is today (Creative Boom)

Ink Review #775: Faber Castell Viper Green (Fountain Pen Pharmacist)

Hokusai's Action-Packed Illustrations of Japanese & Chinese Warriors (1836) (Open Culture)

Papiertüten (Present & Correct)

Giving Myself the Jentle Treatment (From the Pen Cup)

Santini Giant 8 (Figboot on Pens)

Overthinking my under-thought indexing routine (mnmlscholar)

“Two Supes.” (Fountain pen blog)

The Retro51 Santa Jaws is the perfect pen for ensuring Yuletide shark power never falls into the wrong hands (Extra Fine Writing)

Serious Analog for Serious Conditions: Medical Treatment Trackers and Planners (Analog Office)

Robert Oster Monsoon Clouds (Inkcredible Colours)

As sweet as marmalade: Paddington is the latest star of Royal Mail’s anniversary stamps (It’s Nice That)

Detailed Survey Drawings of Tokyo Hotel Rooms by Kei Endo (Spoon & Tamago)

The Living Traditions of Hebrew Calligraphy (Hyperallergic)

Sallymander Nibs Stacked nib Review (SBREBrown)

Want to catch the rest, plus extra articles, reviews, commentary, discounts, and more? Try out a Pen Addict Membership for only $5 per month!

Posted on August 27, 2023 and filed under Misfill.

Misfill, New Paper Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

We have a new paper. (Musubi)

Lennon Tool Bar Hobe (Inkcredible Colours)

Cute cats (José Naranja)

Subtle Hues and Papery Textures Create Intimate Atmospheres in Lea Woo's Tender Illustrations (Colossal)

How Blaise Cendrars Blazed a Trail Into Modernity (Hyperallergic)

Kakimori Glass Dip Pen Nib Review (Blake's Broadcast)

For the Love of Dog: A Group Show Fetches Wide-Ranging Interpretations of Our Favorite Companions (Colossal)

From Glaser to Scher, see SVA’s iconic subway posters together for first time (It’s Nice That)

What’s What 8/13-8/19 (Line Variation)

Different versions of the same notebook? (Stationery 🍕)

Pen Porn: Retro 51 Rainforest (Rachel's Reflections)

Leonardo MZ Foresta Umbra (Figboot on Pens)

AJOTO Pocket Paper (AJOTO)

Single Subject Notebooks (From the Rostra)

Ink Review #774: Rohrer & Klinger Solferino (Fountain Pen Pharmacist)

Pen Show Prep: 5 Things Not to Miss at the Upcoming San Francisco Pen Show (The Gentleman Stationer)

New Dominant Industry Inks (Mountain of Ink)

Journaling Series: 5 Year Diary (Writing at Large)

Want to catch the rest, plus extra articles, reviews, commentary, discounts, and more? Try out a Pen Addict Membership for only $5 per month!

Posted on August 20, 2023 and filed under Misfill.