Posts filed under Misfill

Misfill, Use It For Life Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

Use it for Life (Dime Novel Raven)

It's Time for the California Pen Show! (February Mid-Month Update) (The Toasty Times)

Central Renga (Inkcredible Colours)

Tony Bechara Creates Chaos With Grids (Hyperallergic)

Ink Review #2498: Kobe 79 Tamon Kakitsubata (Mountain of Ink)

Notebook Comparison: 120gsm and 180gsm Paper (The Well-Appointed Desk)

The Wet Pen Inks: Deception Pass and Elliott Bay (A Gathering of Curiosities)

Ten of the Most Expensive Arts & Art Supplies in the Worlds: Japanese Bonsai Scissors & Calligraphy Brushes, Tunisian Dye Made from Snails and More (Open Culture)

Picture a Day: Feb 17 (Cheryl Lindo Jones)

Changing what EDC means (Everyday Commentary)

Journaling Series: On Finishing a Journal (Writing at Large)

Why call it a Nib? (Chronicles of a Fountain Pen)

Illustrator Khloe Baker draws the people and communities that make Leeds food market special (Creative Boom)

Shibui North Pocket Fox Titanium Kraken (Figboot on Pens)

FP 101: Converters are for cool kids (idipbananasintocoffee)

Aurora Il Viaggio Segreto in Italia Mantova Review (SBREBrown)

It’s all because of those Thomassons! (Art vs. Entropy)

Want to catch the rest, plus extra articles, reviews, commentary, discounts, and more? Try out a Pen Addict Membership for only $5 per month!

Posted on February 18, 2024 and filed under Misfill.

Misfill, Refillable Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

Why can’t I buy a refillable version of my favorite pen in the US? - The Verge (The Verge)

1 Month(ish) Check-in for 2024 (Line Variation)

Ink Review #2491: 3 Oysters Haneul (Mountain of Ink)

Colleen Woods set sells for ¥110,000 (Pencil Talk)

Stupid is as Stupid Does or How Refurbishing Fountain Pens Saved My Purchase (Chronicles of a Fountain Pen)

Ensso Bolt Retractable Nib Fountain Pen Review (SBREBrown)

Montblanc Meisterstück 149 Calligraphy Flex & Curved Nibs - Playtime (Gourmet Pens)

Filatelia Grafica’s archive of sports stamps is a treasure trove of design history (It’s Nice That)

Hobonichi Daily Pages layout (Stationery🍕)

Recent Wearingeul ink swatch tests (Nick Stewart)

Artists "Make LA Graffiti History" by Painting on Abandoned High-Rises (Hyperallergic)

Cult Pens Matthew (Inkcredible Colours)

The Wet Pen Inks - Elliott Bay and Deception Pass (Cheryl Lindo Jones)

Tactile Turn Icefall (Figboot on Pens)

Want to catch the rest, plus extra articles, reviews, commentary, discounts, and more? Try out a Pen Addict Membership for only $5 per month!

Posted on February 11, 2024 and filed under Misfill.

Misfill, Color Charts Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

A Mammoth Book Catalogs a Vibrant Spectrum of Color Charts Spanning 600 Years (Colossal)

January 2024 in Pens and Paper (Writing at Large)

Hobonichi 2024 Setup (Stationery🍕)

A 500-Page Book Explores the Ghosts & Monsters from Japanese Folklore (Open Culture)

Radius + Figboot Blue Flame (Figboot on Pens)

Setting up my Planner for February (The Well-Appointed Desk)

Deconstructing a Dollar Store Notebook (Inktronics)

Ask TGS: Common Questions on Fountain Pens, including Hard Starting Pens and Staining Inks (The Gentleman Stationer)

Playing with Four Italic Nib Grinds (Dime Novel Raven)

Scribo Feel Flex Nib Fountain Pen Review (Blake's Broadcast)

A Spectrum of Rainbow Fountain Pens! (Cheryl Lindo Jones)

2023 METAREVIEW and also 2024 preview (Extra Fine Writing)

broken pens: two years of a fleeting ripple (a fleeting ripple)

Ink Review #2487: Van Dieman's Morning Frost (Mountain of Ink)

Broly Su's graphic illustrations are inspired by a love of hip-hop, basketball and anime (Creative Boom)

Paper Gems: Early Modern Blackwork Prints (The Public Domain Review)

What’s What 1/28-2/3 2024 (Line Variation)

Pronounced ˈwey-ver-lee’ but Do You Mean Waverly or Waverley? (Chronicles of a Fountain Pen)

Ink Review #797: PenChalet x Van Dieman Saturn (Fountain Pen Pharmacist)

Chasing Away the Darkness (From the Pen Cup)

Inky pursuits: January 2024 round-up. (Fountain pen blog)

ink review : TACCIA Ukiyo-e Hiroshige naka murasaki (inkxplorations)

Shokido Amalfi (Inkcredible Colours)

Want to catch the rest, plus extra articles, reviews, commentary, discounts, and more? Try out a Pen Addict Membership for only $5 per month!

Posted on February 4, 2024 and filed under Misfill.