Posts filed under Notebooks

Analog Supplies for Virtual School

Analog Supplies for Virtual School

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

It's that time of year again, but this time it's totally different. School supply shopping--stationery Christmas--has gone weird, like everything else. But even though our education has gone virtual, the act of study, of learning, has not. It's still a very tactile thing, and analog supplies are maybe more important than ever. I learn by writing, so even if I'm parked in front of a computer for class, I need to be writing the material down. I still need writing instruments (I have a few) and notebooks (check), and I need a system to keep them organized.

Pens for school

I'm writing this in the middle of my grad school orientation week, which my university has affectionately dubbed "bootcamp" to prepare us for the intellectual equivalent of an obstacle course designed to find our weaknesses and limitations. So that we can improve them, of course--not out of cruelty. While the effect might be the same, intent matters, in this case. It's also my first foray into online classes, as the event was moved to a virtual platform due to the pandemic. My courses themselves were always going to be online, so it's actually serving as excellent practice for navigating that format--and for testing out my assembled supplies to see if they will work for online learning.

DianoD Leather Notebook Cover

I had joked, when I first enrolled in grad school, that I wanted a travelers-notebook-style setup that would hold my hobonichi cousin plus five A5 notebooks with decent page counts. It was only a half-joke, though, because while that sort of thing sounded a bit ridiculous, I really did want one! Well, I found one. On Etsy, of course. The maker is DianoD, a leatherworker who I believe is located in Russia (their shop is currently on vacation, so not all details are visible). They make a variety of goods, including the beast I decided to order for my school needs.

DianoD Leather Notebook Cover Inside

I ordered the A5 extra wide cover with all the extra bells and whistles. It has a pen holder on the snap strap, another pen loop inside, two back pockets, an insert flap for my planner, five widely spaced elastic bands for notebook inserts, another slip flap for papers, a zipper pouch, three card slots, and on the folding piece there is a phone pocket on one side and a snap pocket and smaller pocket on the outside.

DianoD Leather Notebook Cover Notebooks

The leather is smooth but rigid, so it holds the contents firmly in place, and the snap closure has two positions, so it can be closed tightly, or let out a little bit if (when) it gets overstuffed.

DianoD Leather Notebook Cover Closed

It is a beast, when full. It dosn't fit in a purse, though it works in a tote bag or backpack. I was surprised to find that I can actually write in the notebooks while they're still in the cover, but I prefer to take them out for longer notetaking sessions, and then put them back when I'm done. I have one notebook for a commonplace book, one that I am using for all the information I need about school, a notebook for each of my two classes, and a notebook for my writing ideas. My Hobonichi is behind all of those. I keep a fountain pen in the strap pen pouch, and a mechanical pencil in the inside pen loop. I have blank notecards, business cards, and a very small pocket notebook in the card slots, and sticky notes in the snap pouch. I use the back pockets for planner items, like my ill-fated concert tickets. I keep work papers in the front pockets. It really is the most complete system I've used, and so far it's working really well for me.

DianoD Leather Notebook Cover Snaps

Its weak point is, I think, the snap closure. The snap is a fairly standard craft snap notion, and it doesn't match the sturdiness of the rest of the construction. It works great now, but it feels like something I'm going to break, eventually. The rest of it feels like it will outlive me. All of the snap pieces are accessible, though, so I think it would be a fairly simple matter to replace them, if they do get bent or worn out.

I paid $165 (including shipping from Russia) for this, making it the most expensive Trapper Keeper I've ever owned. I do not regret it.

There is some irony here, considering that what I'm studying is the organization of information (how, why, where, when, how much, and by whom). I wonder if I can do a thesis on notebook systems.

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DianoD Leather Notebook Cover Writing
Posted on August 6, 2020 and filed under Notebooks, Notebook Reviews.

Kleid x Life Noble Note A5 Olive Drab Notebook Giveaway

Kleid x Life Noble Note A5 Olive Drab Notebook Giveaway

You may have noticed a sneaky little notebook appearance in yesterday’s Platinum Curidas review. That would be from Kleid Stationery, a new to me Japanese brand. For this weeks giveaway, I have their A5 collaboration with Life Stationery to give away. The Kleid x Life Noble Note A5 Olive Drab Notebook is a 100 sheet (200 page), 2mm grid, stunner of a notebook. Enter for you chance to win below!

Posted on July 28, 2020 and filed under Kleid, Notebooks, Giveaways.

The Five Best Tools for Outlining Your Next Novel

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

Not every writer outlines, but many do--especially if there's a deadline involved. Outlining is very much a discovery process and employs just as much creativity as the writing itself. Sometimes the brainstorms involved can be messy. So what's the best way to keep those ideas roped into a useable order? Some proper stationery tools can help. Everyone's process is a bit different, so ymmv.

A good notebook. For my outlining, I usually use a slim book that becomes my planning, research, outlining, and editing guide for the whole project. That's a tall order, so it must be durable. It needs to last for years! My current one has been in use for two years and five months. Grid rule is ideal, if not essential. It allows you to easily level your indents for different sub headers. I prefer fountain pen friendly books, even though not every page will have fountain pen ink. My favorites so far have been the Graphilo and the Midori MD. Both have just enough pages for their purpose, while still being easily portable. I can slip the notebook in behind the back cover of the journal I'm writing the book in and carry them as a set.

A set of color-coding pens. It's very handy, when outlining, to be able to color code your notes. Whether it's by setting, character, timeline--all of these in conjunction... You may need only a few colors or a LOT of them, depending on the scope of your project. I would suggest a basic set of black, blue, red, and green at the very minimum. You can find those colors within many brands. But if you're penning an epic legend that spans generations of warring houses, you're probably going to need a set with more variety. I prefer gel pens, as it's easier to find large and varied sets with that ink type. My favorite ones to use are the Pilot Maica because of their bright colors, excellent flow, and fine tips that allow me to add notes to margins easily without cluttering the pages too much. Pilot Juice, Uni-Ball Signo, and Zebra Sarasa Clip are also excellent choices. You could use an array of fountain pens all inked with different colors of ink, also, but I found that the difference in line width between pens added some confusion to my notes. For example, pens that wrote more boldly seemed to be emphasized in the text when that information didn't necessarily need to be emphasized. Consistency of line width can be an important factor in keeping outlines tidy. Which brings me to my next point.

A bold pen for headers. When you're scanning your outline for important information, it can be very handy to have important key words and headers written boldly, so they're easy to find at a glance. Character names, places, themes, or scene headers might be good candidates for this. I use either a thick-tipped fineliner in black, like the Sakura Pigma Micron, or a fountain pen with a stub nib to add a bold emphasis to those notes. Either works, but try to stick to the same tool and color throughout, for ease of scanning.

Notecards. Writers love to follow outlines, but characters rarely do. Sometimes seeing the structure of your book on paper isn't enough. Sometimes whole scenes need to move or the plot structure needs to be adjusted. To do that, I recommend making a brief additional outline on notecards (sticky notes work, too) and spreading them out where you can rearrange and shuffle them as needed. Any scrap of paper will work, but my favorite tool for the job are the Nock DotDash note cards. They're fountain pen friendly and have a grid pattern on them, so they work great for mini scene outlines.

Highlighters. Even with color coding and bolding, you're likely going to need another level of emphasis. Maybe to highlight (literally) plot twists or foreshadowing, themes or critical character development. Highlighters are the classic best tool for the job. I don't care much for the typical marker-style chisel-tip highlighters. They do work, but too often I dislike the way they bleed through paper or smear ink. Neon colored pencils are good, but aren't as quick, since it takes some scribbling to cover an area, instead of one swoop. My favorite tool for the job are the Staedtler Textsurfer Gel highlighters, which are basically super-soft gel crayons. You can highlight in a smooth swoop, and the soft wax doesn't bleed through paper or smear ink. One downside, though, as the wax makes it impossible to write over that area again at all.

And of course, the non-stationery ingredient to this list is flexibility. Outlines are the best example of the "guidelines not rules" adage. You're in charge of your story and you can change your mind anytime. Make your story work for you. And if your outline isn't fitting, change the outline! I have three outlines for my current novel, where the story trajectory changed and I needed to re-route things. Maybe add some scissors and scotch tape to this list, too. And a glass of wine.

Tell me your favorite tools for planning your writing projects! Everyone's method is a little different, and I find them all fascinating.

(JetPens provided these products at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

Posted on March 12, 2020 and filed under Gel, Highlighter, Index Card, Notebooks.