Posts filed under Pen Reviews

Tactile Turn Groove Side Click Pen Review

Tactile Turn Groove Side Click Pen Review

You don’t have to be a record collector to appreciate what Tactile Turn has done with their latest seasonal release, Groove.

As a massive music fan, this pen is right up my alley - and I don’t even own a record player! But as a nerdy collector of things, I have bought a few vinyl releases over the years from my favorite artists. You know, for when I get my turntable. And speakers. And amp. Ok, maybe just a Bluetooth all-in-one kit. One day.

Until then, Groove is going to have to scratch that itch - but not the vinyl, of course.

Tactile Turn Groove Side Click Pen

I opted for the Standard version for this release. Over the years, Tactile Turn has been gracious enough to send me every size in the lineup to review, and since it had been a while since I used the largest in the lineup, it was time for another look.

Compared to the Stealth Bolt Action I reviewed back in 2021, I noticed that the Groove felt lighter. Looking at the specs of both pens, I was right - Stealth checks in at 1.3 oz., and Groove is a mere 1.2 oz.. It’s always funny to me how stationery obsessives like myself can pick up on these things immediately, even after a large time gap between uses.

Tactile Turn Groove Side Click Pen Button

With Tactile Turn’s seasonal releases, pen size determines refill size. This Standard model ships with the Pilot G2 refill, and can be swapped with other compatible refills. The Short model takes Parker-style refills, and the Mini uses the appropriately named Pilot G2 Mini. They are all good choices depending on your needs.

Tactile Turn Groove Side Click Pen Clip

As the name alludes to, Groove takes the grooves seen on a vinyl record, and mimics them on the pen barrel - track markers and all. And no, you can’t “play” this pen, but you can write with it … something it does very well. It’s a long pen at 5.8”, which works well with the 0.7 mm Black G2 refill. If you want to match the Groove up with a finer refill and some funky colors, I highly recommend the Pilot Juice.

Tactile Turn Groove Side Click Pen Grooves

I highly recommend the Tactile Turn Groove, as well. There’s even a Lava Lamp edition of this model if you really want to grab your headphones and turn on the black lights and write to the … music. This edition runs $149, with the Lava Lamp version running $179. Tactile Turn keeps climbing up the charts with hits, and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

(Tactile Turn provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Tactile Turn Groove Side Click Pen Guest Book
Posted on February 24, 2025 and filed under Tactile Turn, Pen Reviews.

Pentel Calme 0.5 mm Ballpoint Pen Review

Pentel Calme 0.5 mm Ballpoint Pen Review

It took me a while to come around to the Pentel Calme Ballpoint Pen. Why? Competition.

The $1 to $3 pen market is outrageously competitive, often to our benefit. Companies are willing to invest in barrel designs and ink formulations, all in an effort to make a name on the store shelves, and eventually our shopping carts.

The Calme is a fantastic pen. The barrel is super comfortable, including a half-length of the pen rubberized grip area. The knock is integrated to the clip, and it is smooth and quiet. You won’t be able to annoy your office mates with this one. And I love this limited Mauve Pink edition.

Pentel Calme 0.5 mm Ballpoint Pen

Writing-wise, the Calme uses Pentel’s Vicuna ink, their hybrid ballpoint ink formulation - aka, their uniball Jetstream competitor. This a solid refill. The lines are sharp, and mostly clean. Honestly, I have no complaints.

Except that other pens exist.

There were three pens I immediately wanted to put up against the Pentel Calme: the Zebra Blen 0.5 mm Ballpoint, uniball Jetstream 0.5 mm Ballpoint, and the uniball Jetstream Lite Touch 0.5 mm Ballpoint. To go ahead and spoil the results, I’d take all three of those pens over the Calme.

Pentel Calme Comparison

L to R: Pentel Calme, Zebra BLen, uniball Jetstream 4+1, uniball Jetstream Lite Touch.

The Zebra BLen is the closest in writing performance. 0.5 mm pens write fine lines to begin with, but Ballpoints - as compared to Gel and Rollerball inks - leave an even finer line. Both the Calme and the BLen have excellent fine lines, but I found the BLen more comfortable to hold, and have even quieter mechanics, which is a feature Zebra focused on for this pen.

Putting the Calme up against the Jetstream is where the ink begins to separate the pens. The writing experience is better with the Jetstream. The ink is smoother, darker, and cleaner. There is a reason this is my favorite Ballpoint pen. I will say that I might like the Calme barrel over the standard Jetstream Sport, but not by a wide margin.

Pentel Calme Writing

The pen that makes all of these pens obsolete is the uniball Jetstream Lite Touch. uniball created a true step up in ink quality and color, and the only issue right now is availability. You can find them at importers like JetPens in the US, but not yet on the store shelves outside of Japan. Hopefully that changes in the next year or two because it is that good.

Where does that put the Pentel Calme at the end of the day? As I said before, it’s a good pen in a competitive category. If I were making a tier list, it would land in the B-tier through no fault of its own. It’s simply up against A-tier (BLen and Jetstream,) and S-tier (Jetstream Lite Touch,) competition.

At $2.50, I like it enough to own and use when the feeling hits, but I won’t need a stash of them around the house.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Pentel Calme Ballpoint
Posted on February 10, 2025 and filed under Pentel, Calme, Ballpoint, Pen Reviews.

Spoke Design Clickstream Review

(This is a guest Post from Sam Alpert. Sam is a geologist, gamer, and general lover of all things with good, clean design. See more from Sam on Instagram @samalpert.)

Brad won’t write this so it falls to me.

If you’re reading this blog you’re probably aware of Spoke Design, Brad’s collaboration with engineer extraordinaire Brian. If not, check it out, they make awesome stuff.

They recently released a new pen called the Clickstream. Here it is in all its glory:

Spoke Clickstream

So why would the person who made the pen and runs the website need a review of his own pen? Because this one is different. This one is exceptional, even in a lineup full of home-run designs, this one stands head and shoulders above the rest; Brad won’t say that though, so I will.

What makes it so good? Let me tell you.

First, the shape. Classic, with the Spoke Design cutouts that mark their design language giving it a modern flair. The taper is perfect. I like a narrower grip in my pens, this has a sweet spot for everyone. Narrow at the tip, wider just behind it. No clip interrupting the clean curves, but flattened on six sides to prevent rolling. There’s something here for everyone, without compromise.

Second, the click. It’s incredible. The pen ships with a Soft, Medium, and a Hard spring - I immediately installed the Hard and never looked back. I love a good thunk when I click a pen, and the mechanism they chose for the Clickstream delivers. And again, if you prefer a more Pilot G2-esque click the Medium spring is there for you.

Spoke Clickstream Comparison

Obligatory lineup compared to some other great pens. Top: Tactile Turn Slim Bolt Action Ti. Bottom: Cortex edition Studio Neat Mark One.

Third, the material. I chose sand blasted titanium, the most popular choice according to Brad, and I can see why. I have had plenty of pocket knives with this setup, but something about having it on a pen gives it new life. The sandblasting adds just enough texture to the pen to give it a nice, tactile feel, without being rough. Additionally the weight of the titanium is just the best. While the aluminum body version has amazing colors, I’m here for the perfect weight that the titanium brings.

I’ve had many (read dozens) of machined pens come and go, both from Spoke design but also from many others including Tactile Turn and Karas Pen Co. just to name a few. None of them came close to the full package that the Clickstream brings to the party. They all had some minor quibble (too wide, too textured, loose tolerances) that I just can’t find on the Clickstream.

Spoke Clickstream G2

The essential comparisons: Top: Retro 51 Tornado Halloween edition. Bottom: Pilot G2.

The pen ships with either a Schmidt Easyflow 9000 or Ohto Flash Dry refill, but accepts any Parker-style refill (so if you want to spring for the now exorbitantly expensive uniball Jetstream refills you can,) just don’t forget the spacer that ships with the pen to install on the refill, this is part of the secret that takes the tip rattle out of the equation for this pen.

If you absolutely need a clip, or hate all the refill options then I agree, this isn’t the pen for you. But for anyone who just loves a good pen, this could easily be my one pen I use for the rest of my life. It’s that good.

The Spoke Clickstream is $69 for Aluminum, and $89 for Titanium models, and can be found at

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Posted on February 5, 2025 and filed under Spoke Design, Pen Reviews.