Misfill, Pasta Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

Art Supply Review: Kokuyo Pasta Solid Markers (The Well-Appointed Desk)

Travelling with ink: North Devon, June 2024. (Fountain pen blog)

I can't decide if I liked Diamine Best Wishes... (Inkdependence)

Dominant Industry Royal Azalea (Inkcredible Colours)

Ink Review #2558: De Atramentis Diamond Black (Mountain of Ink)

Hot pen summer: Penbbs 309 Hawaii (idipbananasintocoffee)

Pompeian Red (greg.org)

Esterbrook Estie Dutch Pen Show 2024 Sugar Rush Review (SBRE Brown)

Pen Porn: Cypress Kawari-Nuri Pink (Rachel's Reflections)

Lacquerware artisans are still displaced by earthquake in Japan (The World)

Platinum 3776 with a Coarse (C) Nib (dapprman)

Stipula Etruria Rainbow Stiflex Nib Fountain Pen Review (Blake's Broadcast)

Call of the Cthulhu – A Wearingeul Exclusive for Goldspot Pens (Nick Stewart)

Review: Denbigh Notebooks (Notebook Stories)

Cleaning pen threads with a brush (Ink Sync)

Nonamey Recreates Teenage Hide Out Using Cardboard In Latest Installation (Hi-Fructose Magazine)

Stephen Sondheim Blackwings sold at auction (Pencil Talk)

Want to catch the rest, plus extra articles, reviews, commentary, discounts, and more? Try out a Pen Addict Membership for only $5 per month!

Posted on June 23, 2024 and filed under Misfill.

Nahvalur Original Plus Rainbow Wrasse Fountain Pen Giveaway Winner

I enjoy the Nahvalur Original Plus for many reasons. Fun, functionality, and price are a great starting point, and that lines it up well for a giveaway, too! I reviewed the Nahvalur Original Plus Fountain Pen in Rainbow Wrasse earlier this week, and now I’m giving away my review model of this pen. The winner is:

Congrats John! I’ve sent you an email to collect your shipping address.

Posted on June 22, 2024 and filed under Giveaways.

Penedex, Your Digital Pen Cup (Sponsor)

Penedex is your digital pen cup where you can catalog your pen and ink collection, stay on top of your currently inked pens, and prepare for a pen show visit. You can add details to your pen and ink entries, such as nib type, pen material, ink color, shimmer, dry time, photos, and more. Penedex will also keep track of how often you use your items and display a range of statistics about your usage. You can also add pens and inks to a wishlist to save for later, like when attending a pen show.

New for 2024 is Penedex’s latest feature, the pen show organizer. If you’re visiting the St. Louis Pen Show this week, or other shows this Summer, it’s a great opportunity to give it a try. Each pen show in the calendar has its own detail page with important information and a section to prepare for your visit. Add important events to a checklist so you don’t miss meet ups. Plan out a budget with Penedex’s budget tracker by setting a total budget amount and add items to your checklist. Penedex will do the math to make sure your pen show haul won’t blow your budget.

Check out Penedex for iOS, or on the iOS App Store by searching Penedex. Penedex is free to download. And if you want to say hi you can find Penedex on Instagram and Threads @penedexapp or you can find the maker Connor Rose @clrosey.

My thanks to Penedex for sponsoring The Pen Addict this week.

Posted on June 21, 2024 and filed under Sponsors.