Teranishi Guitar Taisho Roman Haikara Emotional Olive Ink Review

When Teranishi Inks first caught my eye a couple of years ago I was instantly impressed. The colors are nice, the bottle and packaging are great, the performance is excellent, and the price is fair. I shouldn’t have been so surprised, given that the Teranishi Chemical Co. has been in the ink business for 105 years!

Emotional Olive is one of my latest Teranishi acquisitions, thanks to a swatch sample from Olive Octopus. Notice I said “one of,” because yes, there were more (thanks Lisa!) And given the way these inks handle fountain pen nibs and paper, there will be more, too.

This color is an interesting one, and my first question was will this light yellow-ish green shade be legible on the page? Yes, more than I anticipated. I inked it up in my TWSBI VAC700R Iris with a Fine Steel nib - which writes more like an Extra Fine - and the output on the page looks great, even with small handwriting.

At first glance, you would think the color would look like the juice from a smashed green olive, and it does to a degree when it first goes down. When it dries, it begins to show more browns and greens, which makes for a great look when writing.

My head canon says Emotional Olive should be close to Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün, but in reality it is more yellow, while Alt-Goldgrün is more green. They would be next to each other on a color-coded shelf, but are easy to tell apart in the end.

Cotton swab on Hobonichi Tomoe River S paper.

For shades like this that are a little odd, and a little light, I use them in two different ways: highlights, or long-form writing. In between - like daily planner notes - doesn’t work for me with this color. Planner notes require quick, repeated glances, so I want a darker ink to pick up the words more quickly. That said, full written pages of Emotional Olive would look amazing. The ink color and light shading works together well in bulk, or as an annotation against another dark color.

Teranishi makes great ink, and not just for themselves (see Taccia, which are equally as awesome.) I’m not sure what else they have up their sleeve, but since my first review, the number of releases and ink series has ramped up, and I look forward to what is next. Or, at least what Lisa makes me buy next.

Teranishi Guitar Taisho Roman Haikara Ink 40 ml Bottles can be found at JetPens for $23. I already have Antique Black in hand and look forward to checking it out next.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Posted on July 15, 2024 and filed under Teranishi, Ink Reviews.

Misfill, Forest Crayons Edition

Each week in Refill, the Pen Addict Members newsletter, I publish Ink Links as part of the additional content you receive for being a member. And each week, after 10 to 15 links, plus my added commentary on each, I'm left with many great items I want to share. Enter Misfill. Here are this weeks links:

Forest Crayons Derived Solely From a Different Species of Tree Native to Japan (Spoon & Tamago)

Clever Design Entrepreneurship: 3D-Printed RPG Organizing Cases for Gamers (Core77)

Clips inolvidables de la historia de la estilográfica (El Pajarete Orquidiado)

Parker 17 Duofold (Chronicles of a Fountain Pen)

Sticky Note Day: Midori Writing Marker Monthly Block Sticky Notes (The Well-Appointed Desk)

Gourmet Pens Club - Episode 46 - Nibmeisters speak out! You Won't Believe What These Talented Folks Have to Say! (Gourmet Pens)

The Montblanc 100 Day Writing Challenge (Pete Denison)

A Pair of Staggering Infographics Organizes 1,600 Planets Beyond Our Solar System by Color (Colossal)

The Hardware Archive by Liang-Jung Chen shows these humble, utilitarian objects in a new light (It’s Nice That)

July Tropical Ink Palettes (Mountain of Ink)

The upcycled Noris in Germany (Bleistift)

Let's Get Dark: My favorite dark blues in 2024! (Inkdependence)

Buying your first vintage fountain pen (Penfount)

Giant Thai stamp, self portrait and important lesson (José Naranja)

July’s Currently Inked Fountain Pens (Writing at Large)

What your favorite ink bottle says about you (idipbananasintocoffee)

On What I’ve Learned About Fountain Pens (SBREBrown)

Plottermore // How I Plotter (Weirdoforest Pens) — Haven't Seen a Pen Like This Before...Endless Captiva (Figboot on Pens)

Van Dieman’s Rhubarb Crumble (Inkcredible Colours)

Montblanc Origin Coral and Montblanc Origin Green (A Gathering of Curiosities)

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Posted on July 14, 2024 and filed under Misfill.