Now that we got the tour and pen chats done, let’s do some Rapid Fire Questions! (I did not ask Joel because I was nervous enough already and I didn’t want to take up more of his time 🙂):
Last item from the Kenro inventory that you just had to get for yourself:
Bryan: Ferris Wheel Press (super excited for all of it)
Ryan: Aurora Conte
Justin: Esterbrook King of Night
Planner or Journaler:
B: Planner
R: Planner “I love to-do lists” (Traveler’s)
J: Not really either…yet!
Favorite paper size?
B: A5
R: A5
J: Any
Favorite paper?
B: Any, not too picky
R: Bank paper
J: Any
Stickers or washi?
B: Stickers
R: Washi
J: Stickers, I think
Fountain Pen (FP), Rollerball (RB), Ballpoint (BP), or Pencil?
B: Rollerball - Retro 51 in particular
R: FP, followed by pencil and BP. No need for a roller.
J: FP to have, but Otto Hutt RB for regular use
Fave NY Food?
B: Pizza
R: Pizza
J: Pizza (I sense a theme here.)