Get Social with The Pen Addict

I have enjoyed playing around with the various social media sites on the internet recently, and I am going to try my best to use the sites I'm on better, and more frequently.  I keep my FriendFeed widget on the sidebar with quick links to all of them, but if you want to follow or friend me on any of the main sites I use, here are the direct links:

Plurk - I use this a lot for just general chit-chat with friends, status updates, video and picture links, etc.  It took a while to get used to the layout, but I really like the threaded format.

Twitter - I have been tweeting mostly blog updates, but I think I am going to start a pen log and more on Twitter.

Flickr - All of my review photos plus many more extra shots live here.  I'm usually pretty quick to respond to any comments on my photostream.

A few others I use a bit are Delicious for general bookmark tagging for stuff I may want to circle back around to at some point, and, which I scrobble to, but I'm not necessarily super active on the site itself.

Posted on November 18, 2008 .