-- Pen-o-phile (VintageJeannie)
-- Found: Moleskine Doodles | jonbeckett (0MAk0's Posterous)
-- Pentel: Tri Erase (RE:Wolf)
-- User review: Lauren on the Habana (Quo Vadis Blog)
-- Line Width Comparison (Pocket Blonde)
-- Welcome to the new Notebookism (Notebookism)
-- Do you have a favorite color for editing or correcting? (Rhodia Drive)
-- Review: Aurora Ipsilon Fountain Pen (Spiritual Evolution of the Bean)
-- Copying Pencils (Palimpsest)
-- Raspberry Lamy Al-Star Founatin Pen (Pocket Blonde)
-- Pencil review: Derwent Graphic (Pencil Talk)
-- Aurora Ipsilon Satin Extra Fine Fountain Pen Review (Office Supply Geek)
(P.S. Be sure to read the great conversation in the comments section)
-- J. Herbin Rose Tendresse (La Plume Etoile)