This looks to be the official start of a new, fun, and possibly unhealthy addiction to drafting style mechanical pencils. As I related a bit in the written review at left, I have always been a fan of this type of pencil, but I haven't had much use for them for over a decade. But as I dig deeper into the pen and pencil world, the pull of the drafting pencil tractor beam finally has me in its grasp.
The plunger of the pencil has a pretty cool design as well. It is kind of a rubber compression looking piece, but it pops on and off easily for access to the eraser. Right now, I am using the stock 0.5mm HB lead that came with the pencil which seems very nice, and going forward, I am going to work on trying out different leads and erasers.
The Pentel Smash has been a nice find, and I look forward to trying out many more drafting style mechanical pencils.
Click here for the XL review.
See also: