Review: Pentel Oh! 0.7mm Gel

Pentel Selfit

I didn't mean for it to be Pentel week here at The Pen Addict, but it looks like it is shaping up that way so far.  Monday brought a pleasant surprise in the Pentel Selfit ballpoint, and today brings the somewhat disappointing Pentel Oh! gel ink pen.  It isn't a terrible pen by any stretch, but I am having a hard time deciding why this pen exists with the similar yet vastly superior Energel on the shelves.

The best reason I can come up with it that is is a strong back to school push by Pentel.  The price point - right around $1.00 per pen - is very good, and the barrel has a funky design that many students will like, but as I hold this pen and write with it, all I can think about is that this is a cheap Energel.  Normally, that would be a good thing, but it feels cheap in design.  The grip is no great shakes, and the pen clip is super thin and probably prone to easy bending.  The clip on one of mine even had a small spot of rust right out of the package.

Like I said, this isn't a bad pen, but I don't really see the point.  Everything about the Energel looks, feels, and performs better, albeit at a slighty higher price.  Is there such a thing as a gateway pen?

Click here for the XL review.

Posted on August 25, 2010 and filed under Oh!, Pen Reviews, Pentel.