Sharpie 80s Glam Permanent Markers Winner

I tell you what, I couldn't have scripted the winner of the Sharpie 80's Glam Permanent Markers better if I tried. First of all, I have a favorite number that a few of you have caught on to over the years, and lookie what popped up on this afternoon:

Sharpie random

So, congrats Jesse!

Sharpie winner

And for all of you 80's fans, you know what is coming next (spelling be damned!):


Sorry Jesse - it had to be done! Leave me a comment on this post and send me an email with your mailing address and I will get your pens out ASAP!

Thanks to everyone who entered!


Come join The Pen Addict IRC channel:  #penaddict on

Posted on June 23, 2011 and filed under Giveaways, Sharpie.