-- Pens and Pencils (The Second Sentence)
-- The Pearl is Coming (Palomino Brands)
-- April's Ink Drop (Inkdependence!)
-- Conid Foutainbel Bulk Filler Fountain Pen – The Awesome Review (FPGeeks)
-- Pilot 78G (Stationery Traffic)
-- Vintage isn't about ideal (And All Other Tasks)
-- The Nakaya Decapod in AO tamenuri (Leigh Reyes)
-- What Does Your Writing Implement Say About You? (The Atlantic Wire)
-- Dissertation Journal (LaNysha Adams)
-- Artisanal (Cronicas Estilograficas)
-- Tale of a Vandal Pen User: Taking Note(s) (Peacable Writer)
-- J. Herbin Vert Empire (Ed Jelley)
-- Goulet Nibs (Ink Nouveau)
-- Uni-ball Signo DX in Pantone-Color-of-the-Year Emerald Green (The Well-Appointed Desk)
-- Pelikan M101N Tortoiseshell Brown SE inked with Montblanc Meisterstück Diamond Blue (JustDaveyB)
-- Pelikan Edelstein Turmaline Fountain Pen Ink (Office Supply Geek)
-- Moleskine Paper Meets Ink And It Ain’t Pretty (Inkophile)
-- Okay: Lamy AL-Star Pearl (From the Pen Cup)
-- J. Herbin Diablo Menthe (Drawing with a Squirrel)
-- Review: TWSBI Diamond 580 Clear Fountain Pen - 1.5mm Stub (Gourmet Pens)
-- This is no way to treat a notebook! (Recording Thoughts)
-- Review of Write Dudes USA Gold Pencil (Pencil Revolution)
-- Pilot Hi-Tec-C Coleto Lumio (Informal Scribble)