Help Wanted

Fall is my busy season at home, and in an effort to curtail any prolonged absencse like last year I am looking for some help with The Pen Addict. I have used, and will continue to use, guest posters, but I am looking for something more permanent this time. Here are the details for interested parties:

-- Located in the US.

-- Be able to complete one full product review per week.

-- Have excellent writing/grammatical skills and legible handwriting.

-- Have access to a quality camera.

-- Love pens and paper!

This is a year-round position. I am able to pay a small amount, which will be discussed via email with the candidates.

Still interested? Great! Here is what I need from you:

  1. Send me a message via the Contact Page. The Subject should read "Help Wanted".

  2. Tell me a little about yourself and why you would be a good fit. Include any links to your online presence if pertinent.

  3. In 200 words or less, tell me about your favorite pen.

I'm not setting a deadline on this but I am looking to make a decision sooner rather than later. If I am interested in talking further I will email you back within a week.

Thank you!

Posted on August 6, 2013 and filed under General.