Bexley Pocket Pro Fountain Pen Review

For a style of pen so common in standard pens, it is difficult to find a pocket fountain pen that checks all of the boxes. The Bexley Pocket Pro does all of that, and then some.

The key feature of most pocket fountain pens is the ability to post to a full-sized writing length when in use, but remain small and compact when its time to stash it in a pocket or bag. At 4-1/2” inches when closed and a full 5-3/4” when posted, the Pocket Pro is right on the money. The 4-1/4” unposted writing length works for quick notes as well.

The first surprise I encountered was when it came time to ink it up. I unscrewed the barrel to pop in a short international cartridge only to find a converter in place. I rolled my eyes at this because my experience with other similar converters has been poor, but this one pulled in a good 3/4ths fill right out of the gate. The only thing to be aware of is the converter post doesn’t lock in place, so don’t bump it when reassembling the barrel.

Bexley’s steel nib was another big plus for me. It is firm, which I enjoy, and without knowing this for a fact, I assume it was tuned before shipping. It writes flawlessly with the perfect amount of ink flow. It’s also nice to see a #6 sized nib in a pocket pen.

The acrylic color of this model is called Old Amber, although my son has taken to calling it the Tiger pen. It is a great look, as are the other four colors available. The clip is a nice plus too. It slides on and off, so there could be some movement if your are clipping it to a tough spot. In general, I find it stays put for most basic uses.

I’m picky when testing and analyzing pens, but as I have used the Bexley Pocket Pro over the last few weeks I am hard pressed to find anything I would change. Maybe a same-colored section instead of black? An all-steel colored nib option? That is nit-picking at its finest. Even the $99 price tag is right in line with where it should be.

I’m glad to see another quality entrant into the world of pocket fountain pens. Well done Bexley!

(Federalist Pens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Posted on May 29, 2017 and filed under Bexley, Fountain Pens, Pen Reviews.