Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 24

Merry Christmas Eve to you all! I hope you have your shopping all done and you don’t have to venture out to any stores today. Instead, I hope you’re with people you love, wrapping a few last minute gifts, and drinking hot chocolate or egg nog or something warm and tasty.

The Inkvent Christmas Eve color is Purple Bow. It’s supposed to be a standard ink, but I found that it has lovely gold sheen. The color is a vibrant, deep, luscious purple.

The ink looks great in all nib sizes, but if you want that sheen, you’ll need to use flex nibs or wide italic nibs. I love purple inks and Purple Bow is no exception. This might be a great choice for writing thank you notes after Christmas.

I like to wrap special gifts with unusual wrapping paper and spectacular bows. One of my favorite combinations is gold paper with purple ribbon and a sparkly purple bow. This ink combines both properties for a lovely effect.

(Cult Pens provided the Diamine Inkvent Calendar to Pen Addict free of charge for review purposes.)

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Posted on December 24, 2019 and filed under Diamine, Inkvent, Ink Reviews.