Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 3

(Susan M. Pigott is a fountain pen collector, pen and paperholic, photographer, and professor. You can find more from Susan on her blog Scribalishess.)

On the third day of Advent Diamine gave to me a tiny bottle of shimmering ink.

Snow Storm is a light gray shimmer ink with silver particles. It definitely reminds me of gray December skies, though snow storms in Abilene, Texas, are rare.

Snow Storm offers some lovely shading (in a flex nib) in addition to the shimmer, which is more noticeable in the ink droplets on the Col-o-ring Card.

The ink looks rather washed out on Rhodia paper, so this is a color you’ll want to use in flex or broad nibs for writing. For art, it will work well as a wash.

I wish Diamine had made Snow Storm a much darker gray so that the shimmer would be more obvious. A darker gray would’ve made this ink more useful for writing as well.

(Cult Pens provided the Diamine Inkvent Calendar to Pen Addict free of charge for review purposes.)

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Posted on December 3, 2019 and filed under Diamine, Inkvent, Ink Reviews.