Colorverse Rainy Day Ink: A Review

(Susan M. Pigott is a fountain pen collector, pen and paperholic, photographer, and professor. You can find more from Susan on her blog Scribalishess.)

Colorverse “Joy in the Ordinary” is a series of inks dedicated to finding happiness in the simple things of life, such as taking a coffee break, sitting in the shade, sleep (ah, sleep), and a rainy day. In Abilene, rainy days are so rare that just the thought of one makes me long for petrichor and the growl of thunder. Alas, I’ll just have to enjoy the ink called Rainy Day instead.

Rainy Day is a misty blue ink that evokes the dark smudges of rain clouds on the horizon. I absolutely love the shade because it’s not like most blue inks--verging toward green or purple. Instead, it’s a greyish-blue, the color of well-washed denim and just as soft. Although it offers some shading (especially in wider nibs), it does not have any sheen.

The ink is pretty consistent in color across various kinds of paper, including Rhodia white. It looks good in fine, medium, broad, and stub nibs, but the wider the nib, the more you’ll see the shading. This ink would easily become a favorite for me if it weren’t so dry. Unfortunately, even in a stub nib it feels like you’re writing with graphite. It is not a waterproof ink.

Chromatography reveals several colors in Rainy Day: yellow, peach, pink, lavender, and light blue.

As I said, the shading properties of Rainy Day really come out in wider nibs. I used my ruling pen on Midori Cotton paper and achieved some terrific contrast and pooling.

You can purchase Colorverse Rainy Day in a 30ml bottle for $13.75 from JetPens. I like this color so much, I’m going to try Vanness Pens’ White Lighting to see if I can get it wet enough to use every day.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Posted on May 1, 2020 and filed under Colorverse, Ink Reviews.