Narwhal Original Fountain Pen Clear Demonstrator Review

Narwhal Original Fountain Pen Clear Demonstrator Review

Reviewing good products is the hardest thing I do.

You would think that after nearly 14 years of writing reviews online it would be easier to say “This product is good, here is why …” but if I am being honest, it’s easier to write about products that lean one way or the other. Is there something exceptional that sets this pen apart? Is there a flaw that makes you think twice about whether this pen will be good for you?

Or, as is the case with the Narwhal Original Fountain Pen, is being a good pen good enough? I think so, which is why I’m writing this review. This is a good pen. And I’m going to try to explain why.

Narwhal Original Fountain Pen Clear Demonstrator

First off, the build of the pen is nice. It’s on the large side, somewhere around a TWSBI 580 or Pelikan 800 series. Like those two pens, the Narwhal Original is also a piston-filler. Shouldn’t that be a great feature for a pen at this price point? Probably, but we will explore that topic further near the end of the post.

Narwhal Original Fountain Pen Clear Demonstrator Comparison

It feels good in the hand, has a good density to the material, and is well balanced. All in all, it’s set up to be a good writer.

Secondly, the nib is good. Narwhal makes their own nibs in-house, and this Fine steel nib does a good job. For my personal use, I prefer less tipping than this nib has. It is very round, which, in turn, rounds out my handwriting. Something great would be offering the nib in sizes other than Fine or Medium. I would prefer Extra Fine, for example, but maybe that is part and parcel with in-house manufacturing, which I can’t imagine is easy in the slightest. Nib grinders will enjoy the very workable platform, though.

Narwhal Original Fountain Pen Writing
Narwhal Original Fountain Pen Nib

Finally, the price. $50 for a well-built piston-filling fountain pen - that’s pretty great, right? In a vacuum, yes. 10 years ago, yes. Today? It’s still dang good. Add in the other colorful barrel options, and the promise of even more to come in the future, Narwhal is certainly a brand to watch.

Yet, I can’t get past “good” for this pen. Is that a bad thing? Of course not. I would certainly recommend it to someone whose needs it would fit. I would have a harder time recommending it blindly. That’s what separates the good from the great in my book.

If all of this sounds like I’m a Spoilt Victorian Child, well, I hope that’s not the case. In an effort to be objective, as opposed to subjective, maybe I’m straddling the middle line too closely. Or, maybe, that’s the feel I get from this particular Narwhal pen. Maybe, as the brand grows into the wondrous whale it is named after, it adds something a bit more magical into the feel of the pen.

Until then, the Narwhal Original is a good pen.

(Goldspot provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Narwhal Original Fountain Pen Review
Posted on August 16, 2021 and filed under Narwhal, Fountain Pens, Pen Reviews.