Pennonia Zuzmó Lichen Ink Review

Pennonia Zuzmo Lichen Ink Review

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

This clay-tea-green is basically my favorite color, so I am super excited to have it in fountain pen ink form with Pennonia Zuzmó Lichen, even if I must acknowledge that it's not a terribly practical ink color. It is fun and interesting, perfect for art or accents, but would be tricky to see if it was pages of text.

Pennonia Zuzmo Lichen

Lichen has a lot of character, with shades of green, putty, and even a bronzey-brown showing through in different concentrations and shading. The chromatography is downright mystifying with a split of bright primary colors. When the ink first hits the page, it is more of a pale, leafy green, but it then darkens to what is seen in the pictures here. It's difficult to capture the differences in shade, but it's a really cool transformation to watch.

Pennonia Zuzmo Lichen

This ink has a fairly normal dry time, with everything staying put after 20-25 seconds. It doesn't feel like a wet ink when writing, but it doesn't feel dry, either. It's well balanced and flows nicely. I loaded it in one of my wettest nibs on purpose, hoping that the wet nib would bring out the pale color a bit better. In a very fine nib, this color would be quite difficult to see, I think.

There is no water resistance to this ink. It washed away completely when water was sprinkled or wiped across it.

Pennonia Zuzmo Lichen

It does show shading very well, but doesn't appear to have a true sheen. Just layers of color that show at different depths, which creates a bit of a sheen-like effect. It's really gorgeous.

The bottle I received is 50ml, in brown glass with a black lid. It's a nice bottle, sturdy and easy to fill from. It costs just under $10, which is a fantastic deal. A slightly different shaped 60ml bottle sells for around $13, also a great deal.

This is the second Pennonia Ink I've tried and I've liked both of them a lot. This one is my favorite, though. I want to get a big music nib and write a whole book in it. Because practicality is clearly not my priority.

(Vanness Pens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Pennonia Zuzmo Lichen
Posted on January 20, 2022 and filed under Pennonia, Ink Reviews.