November Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor support is very important to me here at The Pen Addict. My sidebar advertisers put their faith in me to deliver good value for them month in and month out, and I want to shine the light on the best of the best for you. If you are shopping for pens, paper, inks, and more, please check out these great companies and see what they have to offer. Some recent highlights:

Goldspot received the stunning Nahvalur Nautilus Fountain Pen in Caldera Sea, which is the perfect gift for … me?

Vanness Pens has the perfect Kaweco Sports for the holidays-the Collector's Edition AL Ruby and the Collector's Edition Sage.

JetPens just stocked the limited edition Pilot Kakuno Pokémon Orange Fountain Pen. Don’t sleep on this one.

Pen Chalet has the Caran d'Ache Color Treasures Ballpoint Pens, in both Warm and Cool tones, and is a personal favorite this holiday season

Posted on November 29, 2022 and filed under Sponsors.