White Bear Pens Echo Fountain Pen Review

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And her latest book, The Atropine Tree, is now available!)

Handmade pens? Yes. In beautiful, unique materials? Yes. From a woman-owned shop and new penmaker? Triple yes! Everything about this is good and the pen itself is the best part.

White Bear Pens is a new company founded in 2023 by Mikayla Jackson, who took the journey most of us take: straight down the fountain pen rabbit hole. And then she took it a step further and decided to learn how to make her own pens. She's been touring pen shows all year with a lovely selection of pens in two models: the Ursa and the Echo. I was extremely fortunate to receive an Echo for review. It also came with a custom Rickshaw pen sleeve with the White Bear logo and the softest plush interior to keep the pen safe and cozy.

Handmade pens in fun colors of acrylic are my personal kryptonite, so this was love at first sight. The acrylic is a sparkly blend of pinks, teals, blues, greens, gold, purple, and did I mention sparkle? This is unicorn perfection. There are even fuchsia rings set into the bottom finial and cap band that are so expertly fitted that you can't even feel them--it feels like one smooth piece, even though the construction of such a feature has to be a ton of extra work.

The cap is threaded and the grip section is lightly shaped and flared, giving it a comfortable shape for writing. The cap does not really post--you can put it on fairly shallowly, but I wouldn't want to scratch the material on the threads by trying to force it to post. It has a very nice silver, spring-loaded clip, though, so the cap won't roll away if you set it down. On the top of the cap is an inlay of the White Bear logo, which looks fantastic.

The pen takes either a standard international converter or cartridge, and it does come with a converter. It has a steel nib, this one in an extra fine, engraved with the White Bear logo. White Bear Pens does have their nibs professionally tuned, and it shows. This things writes like a dream. It is super smooth with perfect flow--an absolute pleasure to write with. I was just making lists at first, but I didn't want to stop writing! That's very useful for a gal on a deadline or three!

I am very excited to have experienced one of these early pens from White Bear Pens and I can't wait to see what Mikayla does next!

(This pen was purchased by Brad from White Bear Pens at the 2024 Atlanta Pen Show.)

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Posted on September 19, 2024 and filed under White Bear Pens, Fountain Pens, Pen Reviews.