Yamamoto Paper Cosmo Note Notebook Review

Yamamoto Paper Cosmo Note Notebook Review

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

The Yamamoto Paper Cosmo Air Light is known for its ability to make inks look their best, but every time I use it, I'm surprised at how well it works. Inks stand out so well on this paper that it makes me want to keep writing, even when I've run out of things to write.

This notebook from Yamamoto packages that experience in a nice, no-fuss minimalist book that ticks all of the boxes for a paper enthusiast.

Yamamoto Paper Cosmo Note Notebook
Cosmo Air Light

The cover is a plain, grey cardstock that is flexible but sturdy enough to be a writing surface when needed. It's begging to be decorated with stickers, washi, or your own artwork. The spine is bound with a fabric tape with a minimalist brand stamped into the fibers. The sewn binding allows it to lay flat after a bit of training.

Insisde there are cardstock endpapers, and then 176 pages of excellent plain paper. There are no lines or words or numbers--it's just an open world of possibility. There is a line guide sheet included, which offers a 6mm grid or 12mm line if held behind the page you're using. This way, every page can be exactly the format you need, whether you're sketching, writing, or taking notes.

Cosmo Air Light

The paper is what really makes this notebook. Not everyone likes the texture of Cosmo Air Light (Brad), but there's no denying the way it makes ink stand out. If you want to show off shading or sheen, this is the best option out there, in my opinion. The cushy texture of the page is exacerbated by fine point pens, but medium and broad tips glide over it with no problem at all, which are generally what one uses when showing off ink properties, anyway. It also works fabulously with pencil, ballpoint, rollerball, gel, fineliners, even Sharpie--pretty much anything you want to write with. It's a finer, 83gsm paper, so there is ghosting, but not even the Sharpie bled through--not even a dot. The paper does have a long dry time, though, so patience or a sheet of blotting paper are required.

Cosmo Air Light

I've really enjoyed using this notebook. There's nothing extra about it--it's just a plain cover holding together a generous chunk of very nice paper. It's not too "nice" to use. The minimalism is inviting and utilitarian, and I find I keep reaching for it.

It's not inexpensive at $21, especially for a softcover notebook. But you do get a good page count for that price, so I don't think it's asking too much. There are certainly less expensive notebooks with paper that is almost as good, but the emphasis is on "almost." This is paper for ink lovers. Ink lovers with lots of writing to do.

(This notebook was purchased from Yamamoto Paper at the 2022 San Francisco Pen Show at regular price.)

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Cosmo Air Light
Posted on December 15, 2022 and filed under Yamamoto, Cosmo Air Light, Paper Reviews.